- Coding Dates: May 21 - Aug 20.
- 1212 students accepted from 69 countries.
- 2220 mentors from 66 countries.
- 180 Open Source organizations.
- 88.5% student success rate.
- 52°North Initiative for Geospatial Open Source Software GmbH
- abiword
- Ankur India
- Apache Software Foundation
- Apertium
- Artica ST ( Pandora FMS )
- Battle For Wesnoth
- Benetech
- Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University
- biographer
- Blender Foundation
- Bloomington, IN
- BlueZ
- BOINC project, University of California, Berkeley
- Catroid Project
- CGAL - Computational Geometry Algorithms Library
- Climate Code Foundation
- Clojure/dev
- CMUSphinx
- Code for America
- Computational Science and Engineering at TU Wien
- Connexions
- Creative Commons
- Crowdsourcing Biology
- Crystal Space
- DBpedia Spotlight
- Debian Project
- Dept. of Biomedical Informatics, Emory University
- Differ
- Digital Mars
- Django Software Foundation
- DocBook Project
- DragonFly BSD
- Drizzle
- Drupal
- e-cidadania
- Electronic Frontier Foundation/The Tor Project
- ESUG (European Smalltalk User Group)
- Evergreen
- Formal Systems Laboratory at UIUC
- FreeBSD
- Freenet Project Inc
- Freeseer recording and streaming suite
- freifunk
- GCC - GNU Compiler Collection
- Genome Informatics
- Gentoo Foundation
- Gephi Consortium
- Git
- GNU Project
- Google Open Source Programs Office
- Grassroots DICOM
- GStreamer
- Haiku
- haskell.org
- Hedgewars Project
- HelenOS group at Department of Distributed and Dependable Systems, Charles University in Prague
- illumos
- Inclusive Design Institute
- Inkscape
- Interface Ecology Lab @ Texas A&M University
- International GeoGebra Institute
- International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility
- iPXE
- JBoss Community
- Jikes RVM
- Joomla!
- JRuby
- Kernel.org - the Linux Kernel Organization
- Komodo OpenLab
- Learning Unlimited, Inc.
- Libav
- LibreOffice
- Liquid Galaxy Project
- Measurement Lab
- Melange
- MetaBrainz Foundation Inc.
- Metalink
- MIT Center for Mobile Learning @ The Media Lab
- Mixxx DJ Software
- MoinMoin Wiki
- Monkey HTTP Daemon
- Mono Project
- Moodle
- Mozilla
- mySociety
- National Evolutionary Synthesis Center
- National Resource for Network Biology (NRNB)
- Natural User Interface Group
- Network Time
- New Visions for Public Schools
- Ninux.org
- Nmap Security Scanner
- OGDF - Open Graph Drawing Framework
- OGRE (Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine)
- Open Bioinformatics Foundation
- Open Lighting Project
- Open Source Computer Vision Library (OpenCV)
- Opencast Matterhorn
- OpenCog Foundation
- OpenFlowHub
- OpenICC
- OpenImageIO
- OpenIntents
- OpenMRS
- OpenNMS
- OpenStreetMap
- openSUSE
- Openwall
- Orange – Data Mining Fruitful & Fun
- Oregon State University Open Source Lab (OSUOSL)
- OSGeo - Open Source Geospatial Foundation
- OWASP Foundation
- PacketFence
- Parrot Foundation
- phpBB Forum Software
- phpMyAdmin
- Pidgin, Finch, and libpurple
- Point Cloud Library (PCL)
- Portland State University
- PostgreSQL Project
- Processing
- PulseAudio
- Puppet Labs
- Python Software Foundation
- R project for statistical computing
- Raxa
- Review Board
- RooStats
- RTEMS Project
- Sage Mathematical Software System
- Sahana Software Foundation
- Sakai Project
- Samba
- Scala Team
- Scilab
- Scribus
- ScummVM
- Shogun Machine Learning Toolbox
- Sigmah
- SilverStripe
- SimpleCV
- Statistics Online Computational Resource
- Stellarium
- SymPy
- Systers
- The Concord Consortium
- The Eclipse Foundation
- The Fedora Project
- The Gambit Project
- The Honeynet Project
- The Java Pathfinder Team
- The Linux Foundation
- The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
- The NetBSD Foundation
- The ns-3 Network Simulator Project
- The Outercurve Foundation
- The Wiselib
- Tianocore
- Tux4Kids
- Umit Project
- Unknown Horizons and FIFE
- Wikimedia Foundation
- Wine (a project of Software Freedom Conservancy)
- WorldForge
- Xapian Search Engine Library
- XBMC Foundation
- XMPP Standards Foundation
- XWiki