Monkey HTTP Daemon

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Monkey project produces an open source and high quality HTTP Server for GNU/Linux with focus in embedded devices. Project goals are performance, scalability and Linux Kernel dependent.
In technical terms, Monkey has been designed with a flexible architecture, it is based in a core which only supports HTTP/1.1 and an API interface to extends the server functionality through plugins. Some remarkable Monkey features are:
- ARM, x86 & x64 support
- Binary size (core) < 60KB
- IPv6
- C API interface
- Extensions/Plugins:
- Basic Auth
- Security - Rules per URI and subnetworks
- Log Writer
- Directory Listing
- Cheetah! Shell: command line interface through Unix socket domain
- Duda: Web Services Framework
- Enable Monkey to be used as a shared library The main part of the project is to define the API for the library. The changes in monkey that I see would be to implement the library context handling: start, configuring, callbacks, stop, restart, logging.
- Key-Value store technology for Duda Will add key-value store technology package to Duda, the web services framework for Monkey using Redis and Memcached client APIs