OpenCog Foundation

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No challenge today is more important than creating Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), with broad capabilities at the human level and ultimately beyond.
OpenCog is an open-source software framework, written primarily in C++ and Python, aimed at directly confronting the AGI challenge, using mathematical and biological inspiration and professional software engineering techniques.
The OpenCog framework provide a common knowledge store that can be operated on by various "Mind Agents," providing opportunity for the Cognitive synergy that we believe is key to achieving AGI. It also makes OpenCog an ideal platform for researchers and developers who want to pursue their own goals in an flexible environment that promotes reusable, modular components.
The OpenCog Foundation is a non-profit organization, founded in 2011 as a formal entity to foster research, guide the development of the project, and encourage the adoption of the framework in universities and research centers around the world.
- DeSTIN/OpenCog integration Through this work a framework will be developed to link the inherent structures in DeSTIN and OpenCog to provide cognitive synergy between the two systems. Eventually this framework will allow the learned objects DeSTIN creates to be represented as OpenCog nodes, and the ability for learned nodes in OpenCog to influence the probabilities in the DeSTIN nodes leading to improved cognition.
- Extend MOSES to Encompass Primitive Recursive Functions Using Fold The goal of my project is to extend MOSES so that it can support primitive recursive functions. To achieve this goal, list data type and fold operation need to be added to Combo and reduction rules on them need to be designed and implemented. The expressiveness of Combo will increase upon completion of my project.
- Integration of ROS with OpenCog The project aims to create an interface layer between OpenCog and ROS using the PAI Component of the OpenCog, so that the XML messages of PAI may be modified to make them understandable to ROS.
- Packages for Ubuntu (and other Unix-like systems) and Cygwin port Proposal for Ubuntu packages and Cygwin port for Windows to easily install OpenCog on these operating systems. Other goals include automating and documenting the OpenCog's build process.
- Spatial and Temporal Reasoning The main goal of this project is to implement spatial and temporal reasoning into OpenCog through the integration of Region Connection Calculus (RCC) and Interval Algebra (IA) in PLN. By doing so, OpenCog will be able to reason about space and time following a well defined formalism, extending therefore OpenCog's reasoning capabilities to a field with multiple applications.