Wine (a project of Software Freedom Conservancy)

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Wine is an application that allows you to run Windows applications on Linux, BSD, Solaris and Mac OS X.
- Control Panel Split up winecfg into multiple applets, and implement new applets.
- GSoC project: Improve CJK font support Working on the Wine *meta bug* regarding CJK font support which has a three years of history: Bug 16325 - incorrect font rendering for CJK programs. CJK font related test cases would be added, Font Association support would be implemented and a few misc font bugs would be fixed.
- Implement missing functions in D3DX9 There was a lot of work done regarding the implementation of D3DX9 in Wine, but some functionality is still missing. The aim of this project is to implement missing functions in D3DX9 with focus on functions which are used frequently.
- Joystick configuration and testing applet The idea behind the project is to create the tools, as well as a graphical user interface, to ease the configuration and testing of joysticks and other input devices under Wine. Some support for this configuration exists already in the form of registry key settings and the objective is to make this easy and intuitive with visualization of joystick axes and buttons, manual testing of force feedback devices, the ability to enable/disable specific connected devices and more.
- Wine – Implementing a DSS provider Wine is an tool that allows users to run Windows software without actually having to use the Windows operating system. Though the security standard for years has been RSA enhanced, some application use DSS which has not yet been implemented in Wine. This is where I will be implementing the DSS (digital signature standard) provider within Wine. By implementing PROV_DSS, a provider type, I will be able to solve bugs caused by the lack of this provider.