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OpenFlowHub is a community of open source developers committed to the development of OpenFlow-based applications. We support an Apache-based OpenFlow Controller called Floodlight and are interested in mentoring students who wish to develop OpenFlow applications on top of this platform.
OpenFlowHub includes a number of employees of Big Switch Networks.
- Floodlight Firewall Application The OpenFlow protocol naturally supports a basic set of stateless firewall functions (L2-L4). Floodlight is an enterprise-class, Apache-licensed, Java-based OpenFlow Controller that allows building network-oriented applications on top of OpenFlow platform. Using the Floodlight’s modular architecture and APIs, this project aims to build a Stateless Firewall application that would impose ACL rules on switches in the network, implemented in form of a Floodlight Module that enforces ACLs by defining flows and monitoring packet-in behavior. The firewall module exposes a REST and a Web based interface for (1) Defining firewall rules, (2) Viewing and modifying existing rules, and (3) Retrieve firewall statistics (packets/bytes allowed and dropped) for each switch managed by the controller.
- Integration of Flowvisor functions into Floodlight A major appeal of Software Defined Networking (SDN) is its facilitation of network virtualization. Flowvisor is a specialized OpenFlow controller that serves as a network virtualization layer by acting as a proxy between OpenFlow switches and multiple OpenFlow controllers. Adding Flowvisor's virtualization functions into Floodlight will enhance its capabilities as a controller geared towards both SDN deployment and development.