GCC - GNU Compiler Collection

Web Page: http://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/SummerOfCode
Mailing List: mailto:gcc@gcc.gnu.org
GCC is the GNU Compiler Collection, the standard compiler on most free operating systems. It is run by the GCC Steering Committee under the auspices of the Free Software Foundation and is available under the GNU General Public License.
For more information please see the GCC home page (http://gcc.gnu.org).
- C++11 regex support in libstdc++ Hello, dear gcc developers! I want to implement C++11 regex in libstdc++ since it powerfull and most commonly used tool for text processing, but still there isn't support for it in libstdc++.
- Continue work on GCC generic optimisation and cleanup
- Gimple FE : Extending the text gimple recognizer to a real front end The gimple front end project that started with google summer of code, 2010 is aimed to provide a front end for textual gimple- the intermediate representation used in GCC.
- Implement regular expressions to C++ I want to implement regular expressions to C++.