Wikimedia Foundation

License: GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPLv2)
Mailing List:
We believe that knowledge should be free for every human being. We prioritize efforts that empower disadvantaged and underrepresented communities, and that help overcome barriers to participation. We believe in mass collaboration, diversity and consensus building to achieve our goals.Wikipedia has become the fifth most-visited site in the world, used by more than 400 million people every month in more than 270 languages. We host other free content projects like Wikimedia Commons, Wikidata or Wikivoyage. To make this possible, we maintain their engine, MediaWiki, and a wide collection of open source software projects around it.
But there is much more we can do: stabilize infrastructure, increase participation, improve quality, increase reach, encourage innovation.
You can help reach these goals, in many ways!
Completed Tasks
- "Go forward" menu action never visible in Kiwix for Android (easy)
- A better mobile view for editor data for Wikimedia's dashiki
- Add an ID to WikiLove's overlay popup box for choosing and sending
- Add hard drop shadow to Wikimedia Echo badge label text to increase readability
- Add property link formatting for property datatype in Wikibase
- Add SVG versions of PNG graphic assets and change MediaWiki to use them
- Allow italic and bold in MediaViewer descriptions
- Backport a fix for CommonsMetadata
- Beginner: get on Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
- Beginner: get on Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
- Beginner: get on Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
- Beginner: get on Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
- Beginner: get on Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
- Beginner: get on Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
- Beginner: get on Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
- Beginner: get on Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
- Beginner: get on Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
- Beginner: get on Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
- Beginner: get on Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
- Blog about your code-in experience with Wikimedia
- Blog about your code-in experience with Wikimedia
- Blog about your code-in experience with Wikimedia
- Build a test case for a Pywikibot script not exercised by the test suite
- Build a test case for the Pywikibot library
- Build a test case for the Pywikibot library
- Build a test case for the Pywikibot library class Category
- Build a test case for the Pywikibot library method APISite.protect
- Change "View terms" to "Hide terms" in MediaViewer when terms are visible
- Change a string in the footer displayed on Wikimedia Phabricator
- Change Echo to use standard gear icon for preferences in both places
- Change Reference Tooltips to use standard gear icon for preferences
- Change UniversalLanguageSelector to use standard gear icon for preferences sprite
- Citoid/html-metadata: Scrape metadata from html in your choice of 4 formats
- Citoid: Add BibTeX as export format
- Citoid: Add PMID to all citation objects with a DOI using PubMub API
- Citoid: Add requestFromPMID() method to lib/request.js
- Citoid: Create dataset in JSON of different possibilities for user-entered IDs to use in testing
- Citoid: Use requestFromPubMedID method in lib/distinguish.js if identifier is a PMID or PCMID
- CommonsMetadata should not ignore book templates if they are no other information templates on the page
- CommonsMetadata should parse <time> tags
- Convert Drafts extension's API modules to use i18n help/documentation
- Convert Example extension's API modules to use i18n help/documentation
- Convert GoogleAppEngine extension's API modules to use i18n help/documentation
- Convert MediaWikiChat extension's API modules to use i18n help/documentation
- Convert PollNY extension's API modules to use i18n help/documentation
- Convert QuizGame extension's API modules to use i18n help/documentation
- Convert SportsTeam extension's API modules to use i18n help/documentation
- Convert Wikibase api modules to have i18n support
- Convert WikiGrok extension's API modules to use i18n help/documentation
- Create a better homepage for Wikidata Web Annotator
- Create a Guided Tour for Media Viewer
- Create a video tutorial for Wikidata Web Annotator
- Create a Wikimedia Phabricator How-To screencast (01): Overview of the Phabricator documentation in
- Create a Wikimedia Phabricator How-To screencast (02): Overview of
- Create a Wikimedia Phabricator How-To screencast (03): Overview of
- Create a Wikimedia Phabricator How-To screencast (04): Create your account using your Wikimedia Single User Login.
- Create a Wikimedia Phabricator How-To screencast (05): Create your account using your Wikitech (LDAP) credentials.
- Create a Wikimedia Phabricator How-To screencast (08): Fill your user profile.
- Create a Wikimedia Phabricator How-To screencast (10): Subscribe to a single task (and show the web / email notifications)
- Create a Wikimedia Phabricator How-To screencast (11): Join a project and "watch" it, explaining what's the deal.
- Create a Wikimedia Phabricator How-To screencast (13): Post comments in tasks, showing the different actions available.
- Create a Wikimedia Phabricator How-To screencast (14): Editing a task (explaining when it is appropriate to do that)
- Create a Wikimedia Phabricator How-To screencast (15): Overview of the basic markup available in descriptions and comments.
- Create a Wikimedia Phabricator How-To screencast (16): Ways to create a task.
- Create a Wikimedia Phabricator How-To screencast (20): Uploading files.
- Create a Wikimedia Phabricator How-To screencast (21): Creating mockups.
- Create a Wikimedia Phabricator How-To screencast (22): Using the basic search.
- Create a Wikimedia Phabricator How-To screencast (23): Using Maniphest advanced search.
- Create a Wikimedia Phabricator How-To screencast (24): Saving and sharing search queries.
- Create a Wikimedia Phabricator How-To screencast (25): Requesting a new project: when do you need one, how should it be?
- Create a Wikimedia Phabricator How-To screencast (26): Requesting a new project: submitting a request
- Create a Wikimedia Phabricator How-To screencast (28): Introduction to Workboards (with examples of different ones)
- Create a Wikimedia Phabricator How-To screencast (34): Creating your own dashboard.
- Create prototype for improved MediaViewer history navigation
- Display error when user tries to create a circular redirect (self-redirect)
- Display the file name in MediaViewer
- Document saving and using saved custom queries in Phabricator
- Enhance the BounceHandler extension to differentiate between permanent and temporary bounces effectively
- Fix 3 todos in MediaWiki core
- Fix 3 todos in MediaWiki core
- Fix 3 todos in MediaWiki core
- Fix 3 todos in MediaWiki core (04)
- Fix 3 todos in MediaWiki core (05)
- Fix 3 todos in MediaWiki core (06)
- Fix 3 todos in MediaWiki core (08)
- Fix download panel state bug in MediaViewer
- Fix jshint warnings in VipsScaler
- Handle Template:Multiple_image in MediaViewer
- Huggle: Document header files where needed
- Huggle: Document header files where needed
- Huggle: Document header files where needed
- Huggle: Generic cleanup of exceptions
- Huggle: Replace hardcoded English UI strings with localizable keys
- Huggle: Replace hardcoded English UI strings with localizable keys
- Huggle: Replace hardcoded English UI strings with localizable keys
- Huggle: Update deprecated MediaWiki API query calls in Huggle's code
- Huggle: Update documentation and screenshots of huggle at
- improve description of Wikidata tools and add screenshots
- improve description of Wikidata tools and add screenshots
- improve description of Wikidata tools and add screenshots
- Improve error message UI for MediaViewer
- Improve organization of Wikibase sql schema files
- Improve the internationalisation/localisation of MediaWiki
- Improve the internationalisation/localisation of MediaWiki
- In Kiwix, offer to read loud articles using Android Text-to-Speech (intermediate)
- jquery.footHovzer (debugging toolbar): Don't cause a scrollbar to appear if content is shorter than window height (T38273)
- jquery.suggestions should obey maxRows setting (T39316)
- jquery.textSelection: Select sample text, if possible, when splitlines is true
- Make MediaViewer's main object accessible via mw.mmv.viewer
- Make MediaWiki documentation translatable
- Make MediaWiki documentation translatable
- Make MediaWiki documentation translatable
- Make sure events with modifier keys are ignored in MediaViewer
- Make serve images with a Timing-Allow-Origin header
- MassMessage extension: Improve the user experience at Special:CreateMassMessageList
- MassMessage extension: Only mark edits as done by a bot in the user talk namespace
- Measure how often users right-click the image in MediaViewer
- MediaWiki Installer: Sidebar group separator should look like in Vector's sidebar
- MediaWiki security: add missing message escaping
- MediaWiki security: add missing message escaping (02)
- MediaWiki security: add missing message escaping (03)
- MediaWiki security: add missing message escaping (04)
- MediaWiki security: add missing message escaping (05)
- MediaWiki watchlist icon does not match on desktop and mobile skin
- mediawiki.* ResourceLoader modules should be using mediawiki.cookie instead of jquery.cookie
- Mediawiki: Automatically hide "Your preferences have been saved" message when changing preferences
- MediaWiki: Upgrade from long-deprecated i18n functions
- MediaWiki: Upgrade from long-deprecated i18n functions
- MediaWiki: Upgrade from long-deprecated i18n functions
- MediaWiki: Upgrade from long-deprecated i18n functions
- MediaWiki: Upgrade from long-deprecated i18n functions
- MediaWiki: Upgrade from long-deprecated i18n functions
- MediaWiki: Upgrade from long-deprecated i18n functions
- MediaWiki: Upgrade from long-deprecated i18n functions
- MediaWiki: Upgrade from long-deprecated i18n functions
- MediaWiki: Upgrade from long-deprecated i18n functions
- MediaWiki: Upgrade from long-deprecated i18n functions
- MediaWiki: Upgrade from long-deprecated i18n functions
- MediaWiki: Upgrade from long-deprecated i18n functions
- MediaWiki: Upgrade from long-deprecated i18n functions
- MediaWiki: Upgrade from long-deprecated i18n functions
- MediaWiki: Upgrade from long-deprecated i18n functions
- MediaWiki: Upgrade from long-deprecated i18n functions
- MediaWiki: Upgrade from long-deprecated i18n functions
- New-style packed gallery shows ragged edges after window resize
- Night mode does not work at all on Android 4.4 KitKat (easy)
- Parse standard date formats in CommonsMetadata
- Preserve alt text of the image in MediaViewer
- Propose a logo for the European Wikimedia Hackathon 2015
- Propose a logo for the European Wikimedia Hackathon 2015
- Propose a logo for the European Wikimedia Hackathon 2015
- Provide a high level overview of projects in Wikimedia Phabricator
- Pywikibot batch upload
- Pywikibot script replicate_wiki global args support
- pywikibot WikibaseSearchItemPageGenerator
- Pywikibot: Date Pagegenerator unit tests
- pywikibot: Flickr ripper Tk dialog
- pywikibot: New generator ItemClaimFilterPageGenerator
- pywikibot: Reimplement LogpagesPageGenerator
- Pywikibot: Reimplement undelete
- pywikibot: replace custom isbn processing with external package
- Pywikibot: Replace optparse with argparse
- pywikibot: Tk FilePage dialog
- Pywikibot: unprotection i18n messages
- pywikibot: Wikidata isbn support
- Remove table index on br_user_email in bounce_records
- Research WikiApiary Sites Listed as Defunct (1)
- Research WikiApiary Sites Listed as Defunct (10)
- Research WikiApiary Sites Listed as Defunct (11)
- Research WikiApiary Sites Listed as Defunct (12)
- Research WikiApiary Sites Listed as Defunct (13)
- Research WikiApiary Sites Listed as Defunct (14)
- Research WikiApiary Sites Listed as Defunct (15)
- Research WikiApiary Sites Listed as Defunct (16)
- Research WikiApiary Sites Listed as Defunct (18)
- Research WikiApiary Sites Listed as Defunct (2)
- Research WikiApiary Sites Listed as Defunct (3)
- Research WikiApiary Sites Listed as Defunct (4)
- Research WikiApiary Sites Listed as Defunct (5)
- Research WikiApiary Sites Listed as Defunct (6)
- Research WikiApiary Sites Listed as Defunct (7)
- Retest three bug reports of your choice
- Retest three bug reports of your choice
- Retest three bug reports of your choice
- Retest three bug reports of your choice
- Retest three bug reports of your choice
- Retest three bug reports of your choice (13)
- Retest three bug reports of your choice (15)
- Rewrite date string internationalization templates in Lua
- Rid MediaWiki of (wfMsgGetKey|wfEmptyMsg|wfMsgReal) i18n functions
- Search box sometimes deletes part of what the user types and goes to the wrong page (T53900)
- Show custom attributions in MediaViewer
- Show TM symbol in MediaViewer
- TemplateData: Add TemplateData to ten templates that accept parameters and lack TemplateData associated with them
- TemplateData: Add TemplateData to {{Cite AV media}}
- TemplateData: Add TemplateData to {{Infobox character encoding}}
- TemplateData: Add TemplateData to {{Infobox file format}}
- TemplateData: Add TemplateData to {{Infobox file system}}
- TemplateData: Add TemplateData to {{Infobox networking protocol}}
- Update the diagram describing the workflow of a Wikimedia bug report
- Update Wikidata events page
- Update Wikidata press and blogs page
- Update Wikidata's external tools page
- Wiki Release Team: Compile a List of MediaWiki Third Party Customers (1)
- Wiki Release Team: Compile a List of MediaWiki Third Party Customers (2)
- Wiki Release Team: Compile a List of MediaWiki Third Party Customers (3)
- Wiki Release Team: Compile a List of MediaWiki Third Party Customers (4)
- Wiki Release Team: Compile a List of MediaWiki Third Party Customers (7)
- Wiki Release Team: Compile a List of MediaWiki Third Party Customers (8)
- Wiki Release Team: Compile List of Top Requested Features_April 2014
- Wiki Release Team: Compile List of Top Requested Features_February 2014
- Wiki Release Team: Compile List of Top Requested Features_January 2014
- Wiki Release Team: Compile List of Top Requested Features_July 2014
- Wiki Release Team: Compile List of Top Requested Features_June 2014
- Wiki Release Team: Compile List of Top Requested Features_October 2014
- Wiki Release Team: Compile List of Top Requested Features_September 2014
- Wiki Release Team: Help Identify Important Questions to Ask MediaWiki Customers
- Wikipedia AFCH gadget: When the reviewer enters a destination title, warn if its talk page already exists
- Write Help page for one uncovered input method in Universal Language Selector (ULS)
- Write Help page for one uncovered input method in Universal Language Selector (ULS)
- Write Help page for one uncovered input method in Universal Language Selector (ULS)
- Write Help page for one uncovered input method in Universal Language Selector (ULS)
- Write Help page for one uncovered input method in Universal Language Selector (ULS)
- Write Help page for one uncovered input method in Universal Language Selector (ULS)
- Write Help page for one uncovered input method in Universal Language Selector (ULS) (7)
- Write Help page for one uncovered input method in Universal Language Selector (ULS) (8)