GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2014 Wikimedia Foundation

Show TM symbol in MediaViewer

completed by: ☃ unicodesnowman

mentors: Gergő Tisza

MediaViewer displays images with associated metadata on top of wiki pages. It takes most of that metadata from CommonsMetadata, which parses machine-readable data on image description pages and exposes them through the imageinfo API. One piece of metadata that is not yet handled but should be is trademarks.

Use the imageinfo API to check if a file is trademarked, and display a little TM icon if so. The API doesn't actually return that information yet - that's another task, , so this will be easier to do after that one, but you can always just mock the API (just edit DataCollector::collect() in CommonsMetadata and add an extra, constant key to the response by hand).

This is T77717 in Wikimedia's issue tracker; you can see a mockup there.

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