Wiki Release Team: Compile List of Top Requested Features_June 2014

completed by: PranavK

mentors: hexmode, Mglaser, Alexis T. Hershberger, Mark A. Hershberger

You will help build upon the current list of feature wishlist:

For the month of June 2014, scan the archives of the MediaWiki-l mailing list at and the MediaWiki Supportdesk wiki page at Search for mentions of feature requests or pain points that new features could address.

You will record the following information, listed below, on the wiki page:

  • If the feature requests are similar to the requests on the current list, indicate that the feature requests are similar, the number of times they are mentioned, and the links of the individual messages that the new features are mentioned in MediaWiki-l or MediaWiki Support desk.
  • If the new feature requests are not already mentioned in the above list, record the new feature requests, pain points, count, and links of the individual messages that the new features are mentioned in MediaWiki-l or MediaWiki Support desk.
    • For example, if two individuals say that they want a similar feature request, then the count for that feature request is two.  Provide a link for each individual message.
  • Record your findings on the following wiki page for review.

You can ask questions on the talk page of the list:

Related bug report:

Students are required to read Wikimedia's general instructions at first.