pywikibot: replace custom isbn processing with external package
completed by: murfel
mentors: Fabian, John Vandenberg
Pywikibot is a Python-based framework to write bots for MediaWiki. See for more information. Patches can be submitted via Gerrit (you need a account). More documentation on Gerrit can be found at After you have successfully claimed this task in Google Melange please do use the task in Phabricator for communication instead of Google Melange. This allows more PWB developers to be reached! General development questions can be asked on the Pywikibot mailing list at and the #pywikibot IRC channel (see
Pywikibot includes a script/bot called that reports and fixes invalid ISBN numbers, and converts ISBN10 to ISBN13. It includes data in the script to validate ISBNs, however the data is no longer current. The data needs to be removed and the script altered to use one of the ISBN packages available on pypi. There are existing tests which can be run to verify that the modified script works correctly.
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