
Mailing List: http://www.freelists.org/list/haiku
Haiku is an open source operating system currently in development that specifically targets personal computing. Inspired by the Be Operating System, Haiku aims to become a fast, efficient, simple to use, easy to learn and yet very powerful system for computer users of all levels.
Completed Tasks
- Add .bep file for FRiSS
- Add daa/uif2iso to HaikuPorts
- Add daa/uif2iso to HaikuPorts - part2
- Add internationalization support to Pe.
- Add localization support into Textencodings kit and fix ticket #8147 (default encoding for new mail)
- Add localization support to "Jamfile-engine" CLI developer helpers.
- Add privoxy package to haikuports
- Add support for MINI, LARGE and VECTOR icons in setmime.
- Add tor to haikuports
- Add translations for apps (A-E) Lithuanian
- Add translations for apps (A-E) Norwegian Nynorsk
- Add translations for apps (A-E) Serbian
- Add translations for apps (A-E) Vietnamese
- Add translations for apps (S-Z) Hungarian
- Add translations for apps (S-Z) Norwegian Bokmål
- Add translations for apps (S-Z) Tagalog
- Add translations for apps (S-Z) Danish
- Add translations for newly internationalized emails apps - French
- Check fontconfig patch
- Check OptionalPackages for presence of documentation files in wrong directories
- Check over the various apps include in Haiku, checking it with various languages set.
- Create a color flyer that could be handed out at conferences
- Create a color flyer that could be handed out at conferences
- Create a color flyer that could be handed out at conferences
- Create a color flyer that could be handed out at conferences.
- Create a new Haiku sticker design
- Create a new Haiku sticker design
- Create a new Haiku sticker design 2
- Finish the Japanese translation of other user guide documents - Part 1
- Finish the Japanese translation of the user guide's "Applications" documents - Part 1
- Finish the Japanese translation of the user guide's "Applications" documents - Part 2
- Finish the translation for apps (A-Z) Ukrainian
- Finnish localization of screenshots for the user guide (1, A-C)
- Finnish localization of screenshots for the user guide (2, D-E)
- Finnish localization of screenshots for the user guide (4, K-M)
- Finnish localization of screenshots for the user guide (5, N-Q)
- Finnish localization of screenshots for the user guide (6, S-T)
- Finnish localization of screenshots for the user guide (7, T-W)
- Fix the ticket #4934 - Move GLTeapot data into resource.
- Fix tickets #4302 (save reading pos), #4590 (signature pos) and #4596 (comment on reply) in Mail application.
- Fix tickets #4698 (prefs not saved) and #4765 (draft dirs placement) in Mail application.
- Fix tickets #7887 (wrong place user spell check base) and #5819 (undo/redo inconsistency) in Mail application.
- Fix tickets #7983 (disabled Find button) and #7982 (attachment removing unclear) in Mail application.
- Fix tickets #7986 and #6998 in Haiku Terminal application.
- French localization of screenshots of the user guide (1, A-C)
- French localization of screenshots of the user guide (2, D-E)
- French localization of screenshots of the user guide (3, F-I)
- French localization of screenshots of the user guide (4, K-M)
- French localization of screenshots of the user guide (5, N-Q)
- French localization of screenshots of the user guide (6, S-T)
- French localization of screenshots of the user guide (7, T-W)
- German localization of screenshots of the user guide (1, A-C)
- German localization of screenshots of the user guide (2, D-E)
- German localization of screenshots of the user guide (3, F-I)
- German localization of screenshots of the user guide (4, K-M)
- German localization of screenshots of the user guide (5, N-Q)
- German localization of screenshots of the user guide (6, S-T)
- German localization of screenshots of the user guide (7, T-W)
- Git is missing documentation
- Haiku Logo Variant - Squarish
- Haiku Logo Variant - Squarish
- Implement a convertion tool for BeIDE *.proj -> makefile/jamfile convertion.
- implement cli application : writembr
- Implement Haiku version of BeOS 'setmime' (MIME types handling) command line tool.
- Implement missing <math.h> functions
- Implement Missing/Incorrect POSIX Functionality defined in header files A-H
- Mail application: bring "Read/Unread" button logic in order. Tickets #4773 #4774.
- Mail Application: Improve behaviour of "Close and leave as ...." menu entry. Fix ticket #5251
- Present Haiku at a local Linux User Group or similar interested group (lightning talk) (can be done in your native language)
- Present Haiku at a local Linux User Group or similar interested group (lightning talk) (can be done in your native language)
- Present Haiku at a local Linux User Group or similar interested group (lightning talk) (can be done in your native language)
- Present Haiku at a local Linux User Group or similar interested group (lightning talk) (can be done in your native language)
- Present Haiku at a local Linux User Group or similar interested group (lightning talk) (can be done in your native language)
- Present Haiku at a local Linux User Group or similar interested group (lightning talk) (can be done in your native language)
- Present Haiku at a local Linux User Group or similar interested group (standard talk) (can be done in your native language)
- Present Haiku at a local Linux User Group or similar interested group (standard talk) (can be done in your native language)
- Present Haiku at a local Linux User Group or similar interested group (standard talk) (can be done in your native language)
- Present Haiku at a local Linux User Group or similar interested group (standard talk) (can be done in your native language)
- Present Haiku at a local Linux User Group or similar interested group (standard talk) (can be done in your native language)
- Present Haiku at a local Linux User Group or similar interested group (standard talk) (can be done in your native language)
- Present Haiku at a local Linux User Group or similar interested group (standard talk) (can be done in your native language)
- Refine / Complete HAIKU Translations in Greek
- Research and recommend fonts which cover languages that aren't very well covered currently
- Research the QEMU and recommended settings to get Haiku to run on it.
- Review and Add translations for apps (# and A-C) - Arabic
- Review and Add translations for apps (# and A-C) - Bulgarian
- Review and Add translations for apps (# and A-R) - Hungarian
- Review and Add translations for apps (D-E) - Arabic
- Review and Add translations for apps (D-E) - Bulgarian
- Review and Add translations for apps (F-H) - Arabic
- Review and Add translations for apps (F-H) - Bulgarian
- Review and Add translations for apps (F-K) - Punjabi (using Gurumukhi script)
- Review and Add translations for apps (I-K) - Arabic
- Review and Add translations for apps (I-K) - Bulgarian
- Review and Add translations for apps (L-M) - Arabic
- Review and Add translations for apps (L-M) - Bulgarian
- Review and Add translations for apps (L-R) - Punjabi (using Gurumukhi script)
- Review and Add translations for apps (M-O) - Turkish
- Review and Add translations for apps (N-P) - Arabic
- Review and Add translations for apps (N-P) - Bulgarian
- Review and Add translations for apps (P-S) - Turkish
- Review and Add translations for apps (R-S) - Arabic
- Review and Add translations for apps (R-S) - Bulgarian
- Review and Add translations for apps (T-Z) - Arabic
- Review and Add translations for apps (T-Z) - Bulgarian
- Review and Add translations for apps (T-Z) - Turkish
- Review and Add translations for apps (U-Z) - Punjabi (using Gurumukhi script)
- Review and complete the Belarusian translation for Haiku core modules. (A-Z).
- Review and update as needed applications A-E in Hindi
- Review and update as needed applications A-Z - Simplified Chinese
- Review and update as needed applications F-N in Hindi
- Review and update as needed applications O-Z in Hindi
- Review and update translations as needed applications A-Z - Romanian
- Review and update translations as needed applications A-Z - Russian
- Review and update translations as needed applications A-Z - Slovak
- Review and update translations for apps (#, A-L) Turkish
- Review and update translations for Haiku apps - Spanish
- Review and update translations for Haiku apps in Japanese
- Romanian localization of screenshots for the user guide (1, A-C)
- Romanian localization of screenshots for the user guide (2, D-E)
- Romanian localization of screenshots for the user guide (3, F-I)
- Romanian localization of screenshots for the user guide (4, K-M)
- Romanian localization of screenshots for the user guide (5, N-Q)
- Romanian localization of screenshots for the user guide (6, S-T)
- Romanian localization of screenshots for the user guide (7, T-W)
- Russian localization of screenshots of the user guide (1, A-C)
- Russian localization of screenshots of the user guide (2, D-E)
- Russian localization of screenshots of the user guide (3, F-I)
- Russian localization of screenshots of the user guide (4, K-M)
- Russian localization of screenshots of the user guide (5, N-Q)
- Russian localization of screenshots of the user guide (6, S-T)
- Russian localization of screenshots of the user guide (7, T-W)
- Search Haiku's trac for issues related to the GUI and recheck them to see if they are still valid.
- Slovak translation of User Guide - part 1
- Slovak translation of User Guide - part 10
- Slovak translation of User Guide - part 11
- Slovak translation of User Guide - part 2
- Slovak translation of User Guide - part 3
- Slovak translation of User Guide - part 4
- Slovak translation of User Guide - part 5
- Slovak translation of User Guide - part 6
- Slovak translation of User Guide - part 7
- Slovak translation of User Guide - part 8
- Slovak translation of User Guide - part 9
- Slovakian localization of screenshots for the user guide (1, A-C)
- Slovakian localization of screenshots for the user guide (2, D-E)
- Slovakian localization of screenshots for the user guide (3, F-I)
- Slovakian localization of screenshots for the user guide (4, K-M)
- Slovakian localization of screenshots for the user guide (5, N-Q)
- Slovakian localization of screenshots for the user guide (6, S-T)
- Slovakian localization of screenshots for the user guide (7, T-W)
- Take screenshots for website
- Test all open trac tickets (0-6700) for MediaPlayer (22)
- Test all open trac tickets (6700-8100)for MediaPlayer (21)
- Test all open trac tickets for Expander.
- Test all open trac tickets for ShowImage (15)
- Test all open trac tickets for Terminal (28) and indicate whether they are still valid. Add extra information as needed.
- Test and fix .bep file for Pingus so that it works
- Test the Perl API binding Alert class
- Test the Perl API binding Application class
- Test the Perl API binding Box class
- Test the Perl API binding Button class
- Test the Perl API binding CheckBox class
- Test the Perl API binding Clipboard class
- Test the Perl API binding Font class
- Test the Perl API binding ListItem class
- Test the Perl API binding ListView class
- Test the Perl API binding Menu class
- Test the Perl API binding Message class
- Test the Python API binding Alert class
- Test the Python API binding Application class
- Test the Python API binding Box class
- Test the Python API binding Button class
- Test the Python API binding CheckBox class
- Test the Python API binding Clipboard class
- Test the Python API binding Font class
- Test the Python API binding ListItem class
- Test the Python API binding ListView class
- Test the Python API binding Menu class
- Test the Python API binding MenuBar class.
- Test the Python API binding MenuField class
- Test the Python API binding MenuItem and SeparatorItem classes
- Test the Python API binding Message class
- Translate Haiku applications A-E into Punjabi (using Gurumukhi script)
- Translate Haiku apps F-N in Greek
- Translate Haiku apps O-Z in Croatian (hr)
- Translate Haiku apps O-Z in Greek
- Translate the 'add-ons' into Dutch (nl)
- Translate the applications A-G to Dutch (nl)
- Translate the applications H-W to Dutch (nl)
- Translate various applications and libraries to Dutch (nl)
- Try building TuxPaint on Haiku using Haikuporter note any issues
- Ukrainian localization of screenshots of the user guide (1, A-C)
- Ukrainian localization of screenshots of the user guide (2, D-E)
- Ukrainian localization of screenshots of the user guide (3, F-I)
- Ukrainian localization of screenshots of the user guide (4, K-M)
- Ukrainian localization of screenshots of the user guide (5, N-Q)
- Ukrainian localization of screenshots of the user guide (6, S-T)
- Ukrainian localization of screenshots of the user guide (7, T-W)
- Update .bep file for wget to most current version available and verify it fixes Haiku trac ticket 7707
- Update Layout Building Code in FileTypes Preflet
- Update Layout Building Code in Misc. Apps
- Update Layout Building Code in Translators
- Verify and update the step by step build instructions on the Haiku web site.
- Write .bep file to allow Haikuporter to cleanly build MySQL
- Write a HOWTO-like manual for Haiku's 'makefile-engine' CLI developer helpers.
- Write documentation for one class in API reference manual (4)
- Write documentation for one class in API reference manual (5)