Update .bep file for wget to most current version available and verify it fixes Haiku trac ticket 7707
completed by: Thomas Turney
mentors: Jack Laxson, Dario Casalinuovo, Jérôme Duval
For this task, recheck Haiku trac ticket 7707 with the latest nightly build. Check git and wget. These may or may not still be broken.
The wget in Haiku is a few revisions behind the current release. Add a new .bep file to build the the latest version available. See http://ports.haiku-files.org for more haikuporter and writing .bep files for it.
Investigate any patches to the wget included in Haiku and make sure those patch (if any) get migrated over to haikuports and the latest version.
If you have any questions just ask your mentors.