GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2011 Haiku

Check OptionalPackages for presence of documentation files in wrong directories

completed by: mscoolnerd

mentors: Jack Laxson, Dario Casalinuovo


Most of Haiku's OptionalPackages have already been updated to move their documentation directories to B_COMMON_DOCUMENTATION_DIRECTORY, but some are still putting files in /boot/common/share/

This task is to investigate each of the OptionalPackages that can be installed using installoptionalpackage from the command-line and to document which ones are still putting files into /boot/common/share

For this task you should use a fresh Haiku nightly image, and verify that /boot/common/share is empty prior to starting.  Then image each of the available OptionalPackages, checking after each one is installed to see if it put files into /boot/common/share, and if so add a comment on Haiku trac ticket 7488, so that it can be fixed.