GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2012 The NetBSD Project

Create an overview of NetBSD documentation

completed by: Matthew

mentors: Radoslaw Kujawa, Aleksej Saushev, Julian Coleman, Julian Fagir

NetBSD has a wide variety of documentation stored everywhere in the web. On the one hand, there's the website with single articles, the NetBSD Guide, the pkgsrc Guide, documentation in /usr/, the NetBSD wiki, some important mailing list posts, manpages, other mdoc documents, something stored inside the code.

In an attempt to gather documentation for NetBSD and provide a nicer entry point for beginners, this task is about gathering the points where documentation lies (with the full path), what language it is written in, what it is about (just a rough overview), and how much it is.

For the final goal, see this mailing list post:

Our preferred format for the submission is some form of plain text, as that is most portable and can be read anywhere.  If you want to use a word processor, please export the file as text.  You could also add something like markdown or latex to add structure (these are both plain text based), but that is not a requirement.