
Mailing List: http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?forum_name=apertium-stuff
The Apertium project develops a free/open-source platform for machine translation and language technology. We try and focus our efforts on lesser-resourced and marginalised languages, but also work with larger languages. The platform, including data for a large number of language pairs, a translation engine and auxiliary tools is being developed around the world, largely in universities and companies (e.g. Prompsit Language Engineering), but also independent free-software developers play a huge role. There are currently 27 published language pairs within the project (including a number of "firsts" — for example Spanish—Occitan, Breton—French, and Basque—Spanish among others), and several more in development.
Completed Tasks
- [1_10] Check conversion of the TRmorph Turkish analyser into HFST format
- [1_13] Convert the TRmorph Turkish analyser into HFST format
- [1_16] Check conversion of the FreeLing Russian analyser into lttoolbox format
- [1_1] Convert the FreeLing Russian analyser into lttoolbox format
- [1_1] Convert the TRmorph Turkish analyser into HFST format
- [1_2] Check conversion of the FreeLing Russian analyser into lttoolbox format
- [1_2] Check conversion of the TRmorph Turkish analyser into HFST format
- [1_3] Convert the TRmorph Turkish analyser into HFST format
- [1_4] Check conversion of the TRmorph Turkish analyser into HFST format
- [1_5] Convert the TRmorph Turkish analyser into HFST format
- [1_6] Check conversion of the TRmorph Turkish analyser into HFST format
- [1_9] Convert the FreeLing Russian analyser into lttoolbox format
- [3_110] find 10 rules for how to translate words with more than one possible translation from Russian to Komi
- [3_113] find 70 rules for how to translate words with more than one possible translation from Komi to Russian
- [3_187] find 10 rules for how to translate words with more than one possible translation from Esperanto to English
- [3_18] find 70 rules for how to translate words with more than one possible translation from English to Catalan
- [3_224] find 10 rules for how to translate words with more than one possible translation from English to Spanish
- [3_226] find 25 rules for how to translate words with more than one possible translation from English to Spanish (1)
- [3_226] find 25 rules for how to translate words with more than one possible translation from English to Spanish (10)
- [3_226] find 25 rules for how to translate words with more than one possible translation from English to Spanish (11)
- [3_226] find 25 rules for how to translate words with more than one possible translation from English to Spanish (12)
- [3_226] find 25 rules for how to translate words with more than one possible translation from English to Spanish (13)
- [3_226] find 25 rules for how to translate words with more than one possible translation from English to Spanish (14)
- [3_226] find 25 rules for how to translate words with more than one possible translation from English to Spanish (15)
- [3_226] find 25 rules for how to translate words with more than one possible translation from English to Spanish (2)
- [3_226] find 25 rules for how to translate words with more than one possible translation from English to Spanish (3)
- [3_226] find 25 rules for how to translate words with more than one possible translation from English to Spanish (4)
- [3_226] find 25 rules for how to translate words with more than one possible translation from English to Spanish (5)
- [3_226] find 25 rules for how to translate words with more than one possible translation from English to Spanish (6)
- [3_226] find 25 rules for how to translate words with more than one possible translation from English to Spanish (7)
- [3_226] find 25 rules for how to translate words with more than one possible translation from English to Spanish (8)
- [3_226] find 25 rules for how to translate words with more than one possible translation from English to Spanish (9)
- [3_226] find 50 rules for how to translate words with more than one possible translation from English to Spanish
- [3_227] find 70 rules for how to translate words with more than one possible translation from Spanish to English
- [3_228] find 70 rules for how to translate words with more than one possible translation from English to Spanish
- [3_31] find 10 rules for how to translate words with more than one possible translation from Norwegian to English
- [3_32] find 10 rules for how to translate words with more than one possible translation from English to Norwegian
- [3_33] find 50 rules for how to translate words with more than one possible translation from Norwegian to English
- [3_34] find 50 rules for how to translate words with more than one possible translation from English to Norwegian
- [3_36] find 70 rules for how to translate words with more than one possible translation from English to Norwegian
- [3_87] find 50 rules for how to translate words with more than one possible translation from Komi to Russian
- [3_89] find 70 rules for how to translate words with more than one possible translation from Komi to Russian
- [5_145] Mongolian lexicon: add 100 nouns with complete paradigms
- [5_1] Kazakh lexicon: add 500 nouns 1
- [5_2] Kazakh lexicon: add 500 nouns 2
- [5_5] Kazakh lexicon: add 500 verbs 1
- [5_6] Kazakh lexicon: add 500 verbs 2
- Add 100 words to Afrikaans-Dutch (1)
- Add 350 words to Afrikaans-Dutch (1)
- Afrikaans-Dutch tests
- Apertium AWI Screencast
- Apertium on Esperanto Wikipedia: English
- Apertium on Macedonian Wikipedia
- Basics of grammar guide
- Bilingual dictionary: Albanian to Macedonian (Nouns, 1)
- Bilingual dictionary: Albanian to Macedonian (Nouns, 2)
- Bilingual dictionary: Albanian to Macedonian (Nouns, 3)
- Bilingual dictionary: Albanian to Macedonian (Nouns, 5)
- Bilingual dictionary: Serbo-Croatian to Russian (Adjectives, 1)
- Bilingual dictionary: Serbo-Croatian to Russian (Adjectives, 2)
- Bilingual dictionary: Serbo-Croatian to Russian (Adverbs, 1)
- Bilingual dictionary: Serbo-Croatian to Russian (Nouns, 1)
- Bilingual dictionary: Serbo-Croatian to Russian (Nouns, 2)
- Bilingual dictionary: Serbo-Croatian to Russian (Nouns, 3)
- Bilingual dictionary: Serbo-Croatian to Russian (Nouns, 4)
- Bilingual dictionary: Serbo-Croatian to Russian (Nouns, 5)
- Bilingual dictionary: Serbo-Croatian to Russian (Nouns, 6)
- Bilingual dictionary: Serbo-Croatian to Russian (Verbs, 1)
- Bilingual dictionary: Serbo-Croatian to Russian (Verbs, 2)
- Bilingual dictionary: Serbo-Croatian to Russian (Verbs, 3)
- Bilingual dictionary: Serbo-Croatian to Russian (Verbs, 4)
- Catalogue resources: Aromanian
- Contrastive analysis: Bashkir and Turkish
- Contrastive analysis: German and Esperanto
- Contrastive analysis: Hindi and Urdu
- Contrastive analysis: Macedonian and Albanian
- Contrastive analysis: Polish and Esperanto
- Convert Apertium resources: es-ast for Freedict
- Convert Apertium resources: es-ca for Freedict
- Convert Apertium resources: is-en for Freedict
- Convert Apertium resources: mk-bg for Freedict
- Convert Apertium resources: mk-en for Freedict
- Convert Apertium resources: nn-nb for Freedict
- Convert Apertium resources: oc-ca for Freedict
- Convert existing resource: English-Slovakian dictionary
- Convert existing resource: FreeDict afr-deu
- Convert existing resource: FreeDict ara-eng and eng-ara
- Convert existing resource: FreeDict bre-fra and fra-bre
- Convert existing resource: FreeDict ckb-kmr
- Convert existing resource: FreeDict dan-eng
- Convert existing resource: FreeDict deu-fra and fra-deu
- Convert existing resource: FreeDict deu-ita and ita-deu
- Convert existing resource: FreeDict deu-kur and kur-deu
- Convert existing resource: FreeDict deu-nld and nld-deu
- Convert existing resource: FreeDict deu-por and por-deu
- Convert existing resource: FreeDict deu-tur and tur-deu
- Convert existing resource: FreeDict eng-afr and afr-eng
- Convert existing resource: FreeDict eng-cym and cym-eng
- Convert existing resource: FreeDict eng-cze and ces-eng
- Convert existing resource: FreeDict eng-deu and deu-eng
- Convert existing resource: FreeDict eng-ell
- Convert existing resource: FreeDict eng-fra and fra-eng
- Convert existing resource: FreeDict eng-gle and gle-eng
- Convert existing resource: FreeDict eng-hin
- Convert existing resource: FreeDict eng-hrv
- Convert existing resource: FreeDict eng-hun and hun-eng
- Convert existing resource: FreeDict eng-ita and ita-eng
- Convert existing resource: FreeDict eng-lat and lat-eng
- Convert existing resource: FreeDict eng-lit and lit-eng
- Convert existing resource: FreeDict eng-nld and nld-eng
- Convert existing resource: FreeDict eng-pol
- Convert existing resource: FreeDict eng-por and por-eng
- Convert existing resource: FreeDict eng-rom
- Convert existing resource: FreeDict eng-rus
- Convert existing resource: FreeDict eng-spa and spa-eng
- Convert existing resource: FreeDict eng-swa and swa-eng
- Convert existing resource: FreeDict eng-swe and swe-eng
- Convert existing resource: FreeDict eng-tur and tur-eng
- Convert existing resource: FreeDict eng-wel and wel-eng
- Convert existing resource: FreeDict fra-nld and nld-fra
- Convert existing resource: FreeDict gla-deu
- Convert existing resource: FreeDict gle-pol and pol-gle
- Convert existing resource: FreeDict hrv-eng
- Convert existing resource: FreeDict jpn-deu
- Convert existing resource: FreeDict kha-deu
- Convert existing resource: FreeDict kha-eng
- Convert existing resource: FreeDict kur-eng
- Convert existing resource: FreeDict kur-tur
- Convert existing resource: FreeDict lat-deu
- Convert existing resource: FreeDict san-deu
- Convert existing resource: FreeDict slo-eng
- Convert existing resource: FreeDict swh-pol
- Convert existing resource: Polish-Slovakian transfer rules
- Convert existing resource: Reta Vortaro Belarusian-Esperanto
- Convert existing resource: Reta Vortaro Breton-Esperanto
- Convert existing resource: Reta Vortaro Bulgarian-Esperanto
- Convert existing resource: Reta Vortaro Czech-Esperanto
- Convert existing resource: Reta Vortaro Dutch-Esperanto
- Convert existing resource: Reta Vortaro Finnish-Esperanto
- Convert existing resource: Reta Vortaro German-Esperanto
- Convert existing resource: Reta Vortaro Greek-Esperanto
- Convert existing resource: Reta Vortaro Hebrew-Esperanto
- Convert existing resource: Reta Vortaro Hungarian-Esperanto
- Convert existing resource: Reta Vortaro Italian-Esperanto
- Convert existing resource: Reta Vortaro Persian-Esperanto
- Convert existing resource: Reta Vortaro Polish-Esperanto
- Convert existing resource: Reta Vortaro Portuguese-Esperanto
- Convert existing resource: Reta Vortaro Russian-Esperanto
- Convert existing resource: Reta Vortaro Slovakian-Esperanto
- Convert existing resource: Reta Vortaro Swedish-Esperanto
- Convert existing resource: Reta Vortaro Turkish-Esperanto
- Create an Apertium TinyLex J2ME app for en-ca@val
- Create an Apertium TinyLex J2ME app for en-it
- Create an Apertium TinyLex J2ME app for es-an
- Create an Apertium TinyLex J2ME app for eu-en
- Create an installation guide for Mac users
- Create an installation guide for Ubuntu users
- Create an installation guide for Windows users
- Create manually tagged corpora: Polish
- Design a user-friendly Android interface for Apertium
- Design a user-friendly Glade interface for Apertium
- Design a user-friendly interface for a web-based dictionary management tool.
- Design a user-friendly interface for an Android version of TinyLex
- Document undocumented features: cascaded interchunk
- Document undocumented features: manpages
- Kazakh dictionary: names (1)
- Kazakh dictionary: names (2)
- Kazakh dictionary: names (3)
- Kazakh dictionary: names (4)
- Lexical selection rules: New rules (1)
- Lexical selection rules: New rules (2)
- Lexical selection rules: New rules (3)
- Lexical selection rules: New rules (4)
- Lexical selection rules: Test sentences (1)
- Lexical selection rules: Test sentences (2)
- Lexical selection rules: Test sentences (3)
- Lexical selection rules: Test sentences (4)
- Lexical selection rules: Update bilingual dictionary
- LUG Flyer
- Moodle course
- Proofread 100 adjectives in the Serbo-Croatian morphological analyser
- Proofread 100 nouns in the Serbo-Croatian morphological analyser
- Proofread 100 nouns in the Serbo-Croatian morphological analyser
- Proofread 100 nouns in the Serbo-Croatian morphological analyser
- Proofread 100 nouns in the Serbo-Croatian morphological analyser
- Proofread 100 verbs in the Serbo-Croatian morphological analyser
- Proofread 200 entries in the Serbo-Croatian morphological analyser
- Proofread 400 entries in the Serbo-Croatian morphological analyser
- Proofread a 100 entries in the Serbo-Croatian morphological analyser
- Proofread Albanian analyser
- Proofread full-form list of Mongolian nouns
- School Flyer
- Step-by-step become a developer" guide"
- Translate HOWTO to Dutch
- Translate starting HFST guide: Turkish
- Trilingual dictionary: Russian-Sakha-English (Adverbs)
- Update the Apertium TinyLex J2ME apps for en-ca
- Update the Apertium TinyLex J2ME apps for en-es
- Update the Apertium TinyLex J2ME apps for eo-ca
- Update the Apertium TinyLex J2ME apps for eo-es
- Update the Apertium TinyLex J2ME apps for es-ca
- Update the Apertium TinyLex J2ME apps for es-gl
- Update the Apertium TinyLex J2ME apps for eu-es
- Update the Apertium TinyLex J2ME apps for fr-ca
- Update the Apertium TinyLex J2ME apps for fr-es
- Write 15 lexical selection rules for a frequently ambiguous word using a concordance (1)
- Write 15 lexical selection rules for a frequently ambiguous word using a concordance (10)
- Write 15 lexical selection rules for a frequently ambiguous word using a concordance (12)
- Write 15 lexical selection rules for a frequently ambiguous word using a concordance (13)
- Write 15 lexical selection rules for a frequently ambiguous word using a concordance (15)
- Write 15 lexical selection rules for a frequently ambiguous word using a concordance (17)
- Write 15 lexical selection rules for a frequently ambiguous word using a concordance (2)
- Write 15 lexical selection rules for a frequently ambiguous word using a concordance (5)
- Write 15 lexical selection rules for a frequently ambiguous word using a concordance (6)
- Write 15 lexical selection rules for a frequently ambiguous word using a concordance (9)
- Writing a quick guide on 'What Apertium can and cannot do to help you with your homework'.