The Privly Foundation
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The founding purpose of the Privly Foundation is to empower the Privly community to participate in and contribute to privacy software projects by fostering awareness of privacy issues and building a community of mutual support around Privly development. The Privly foundation was founded following a successful crowdfunding round in 2012.
You can find more details on Privly at the following locations:
- Development of a Mobile Version of Privly Design and Development of an Android Application that extends the Privly functionality to Mobile Devices. The application with Social Networks Facebook and Twitter and with Gmail reading content.
- Privly iOS app for Content Posting and Social Networks and Email Content Reading The essence of the project is to bring Privly to mobile devices, and more particularly to iOS devices such as iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch, by building a native app for content posting and Privly, social networks, and email content reading.