GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Summer of Code 2013

JBoss Community

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JBoss Community is a community of open source projects. The community hosts a large number of projects that are written in various programming languages. The primary language is Java. But there are also projects that are written in Ruby, PHP, Node and other languages.


  • Improved Ceylon support for the JS-VM Ecosystem Ceylon compiles to both Java and JavaScript and has great support for the Java Ecosystem. Recently with Node.JS, NPM and mobile JavaScript has been developing its own JS-VM Ecosystem. Improved Ceylon support for this new ecosystem can complement what Ceylon already does well and allow it to go where Java can not.
  • Integration and functional testing of native Android applications on Arquillian testing platform Aim of this proposal is to bring functional tests of native Android applications into Arquillian testing platform.
  • JBoss AS Quickstarts: Hibernate Hello, I'm an undergraduate student at the University of Piraeus, Greece, Dept. Of Computer Science.I'm using Java as my primary language for the last year.Writing a Quickstart would be a great way to begin contributing to the community as it combines a deep understanding of the underline technology and the ability to demonstrate pragmatic results and not the default "Hello World".
  • JBoss AS Quickstarts: Hibernate I’m a master’s student in the University Of Colombo School Of Computing in Sri Lanka. I have around 5 years of experience with J2SE, J2EE enterprise software application development. I know how to use hibernate with JBoss and I think I can write a good Quick Start based on my experience as a JAVA developer. When I was using JBoss Cache the quick start guides provided me the help and guidance whenever I needed. So if given the opportunity I would like to implement the Quickstart for Hibernate on JBoss Application Server, so I can provide something back to the community. It has been Six years since I contributed to an open source project in a major way. So I would really like to grab this opportunity and I wish to be part of the JBoss Community for the years to come becoming an active member of the community.
  • Support for the Gradle build system as a plugin for Forge The goal of this project is to provide support for the Gradle builds in JBoss Forge. Major part of this project is to create GroovyParser necessary to work with Gradle build file.
  • The chart component for RichFaces The RichFaces project offers various components for the JSF framework; moreover it contains the Component Development Kit, which eases the developing process of new components. There are currently no chart plotting component in the RichFaces component library. The aim of the project is to create a chart component supporting multiple chart types, user interaction and event handling. The component will expose a javascript library with a smooth API completed by examples of usage, documentation and an Arquillian based test suite.