GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Summer of Code 2012 Portland State University

Collaboration in Visualization

by John Fallon for Portland State University

The University of Massachusetts Lowell has been developing Weave, a web-based visualization and analysis platform (, over the past three and a half years. I have worked on the Weave project for a year and a half. In this time, I have created the first version of collaboration along with my colleagues, implemented numerous features, and have fixed bugs. Weave is an open source project that was designed to allow anyone to create, analyze and share web-based visualizations. Weave runs on Flash Player, meaning its code is primarily Actionscript 3.0. Weave currently has a frail framework for collaboration. One of Weave’s main features will be its capability for multiple users to simultaneously and remotely collaborate on creating visualizations and performing data analysis.