GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Summer of Code 2011


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Run Windows applications on Linux, BSD, Solaris and Mac OS X.


  • Extending gameux.dll by Games Explorer Shell Extension Project assumes extending already existing code of gameux.dll library by adding implementation of Games Explorer Shell Extension. It will require implementing various shell interfaces, and reverse-engineering GE SHITEMID structure. Final effect would be Games Explorer, which looks and behaves similar to it's Windows equivalent. Additionally, making Legacy Games Support would be possible to.
  • Implement Missing Mesh Functions in Wine’s D3DX9 The goal of this GSoC project is to implement some of the missing mesh functions in Wine's DirectX extension library(D3DX9) implementation. Implementing the missing functions will allow more 3D programs and games to run using Wine.
  • Implement the Explorer I hope to address several of the shortcomings in the wine's current explorer implementation, winefile. To do this I wish to implement an explorer for wine based on the IExplorerBrowser interface.
  • Implementation of DirectInput8 Action Mapping feature. My proposed project consists of implementing the DirectInput8 Action Mapping feature that is currently missing from Wine. This would enable many applications that make use of it, most of them games, to receive proper input from mouse, keyboard and joysticks.