Sencha Labs
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Sencha Labs is a foundation that supports Open Source projects affiliated with Sencha Inc. The projects supported by the Sencha Labs foundation have repositories hosted on a community-accessible code hosting service, with a maintainer funded by Sencha Inc. Most of the projects hosted by the Sencha Labs foundation use JavaScript (in a mobile context, as a 2D and 3D graphic scripting language, and also as a server-side language). Some of the projects featured as part of Sencha Labs are JQTouch (, PhiloGL (, the JavaScript InfoVis Toolkit ( and RaphaelJS (
You can find branches for what the students have been working on in:
and browse voronoi and line_scatter_charts. For more information on how to check out the code and use these examples you can browse the wiki:
- Implementation of Voronoi TreeMap JavaScript InfoViz Toolkit (jit), is a JavaScript Toolkit to build interactive data visualization applications on the Web. The idea to use Voronoi tessellation techniques to layout Treemap is now going to be added into jit. This document will describe the background of jit, the features involved in the idea, a loose timetable, a brief proof of my qualification and my contact information.
- Refactor and Implement new charts Javascript Infovis Toolkit implement a lot of different visualizations to various types of data. At the moment, it implements three types of charts: Area, Pie and Bar. This project aims to refactor Area implement algorithms and rendering for three new types of chart visualizations: Scatter Plot, Line Charts and Radar Charts.