Berkman Center at Harvard University
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The Berkman Center was founded to explore cyberspace, share in its study, and help pioneer its development. We represent a network of faculty, students, fellows, entrepreneurs, lawyers, and virtual architects working to identify and engage with the challenges and opportunities of cyberspace. We investigate the real and possible boundaries in cyberspace between open and closed systems of code, of commerce, of governance, and of education, and the relationship of law to each. We do this through active rather than passive research, believing that the best way to understand cyberspace is to actually build out into it. Our faculty, fellows, students, and affiliates engage with a wide spectrum of Net issues, including governance, privacy, intellectual property, antitrust, content control, and electronic commerce. Our diverse research interests cohere in a common understanding of the Internet as a social and political space where constraints upon inhabitants are determined not only through the traditional application of law, but, more subtly, through technical architecture ("code").
- AudioImager The project AudioImager targets on implementing a software which automatically selects suitable images for an audio and generates a video for this audio. This project is proposed by Berkman Center at Harvard University.
- Berkman Center - Two Projects: 1) Application Tracker Proposals: Application Tracker - An application tracker programmed in Ruby on Rails, and compatible with both PostgreSQL and MySQL. The application tracker provides both applicants and administrators a suite of tools useful to the job application process.
- Distributed Web Crawler The document contains a proposal for a project listed in Berkman Center. It proposes development of a distributed web crawler with features from mediacloud and stopbadware. The proposal detailed gives the timeline for the project and technolgies used.
- EmanciPay EmanciPay
- Emmanuel's proposal for the "Application Tracker" and "Check-in, Check out asset tracker" Berkman Center projects. Hello, This is Emmanuel Pastor from Mexico, I am a computer engineering studentwho has also worked on the industry for the past four years and a half which has given me a lot of experience that comes from actually knowing the business, dealing with real customers with legitimate concerns and needs. I am not just a student who has some spare time during summer, I have a serious project proposal for you, and I just want to say, it would be my honor if we could work together during summer.
- Media Cloud (Berkman Center) application I'm interested in improving visualization techniques and/or semantic processing. I'd explore libraries like flare ( and linguistic techniques like probabilistic latent semantic analysis. (
- Next-gen ONI testing tool The Berkman Center's Open Network Initiative has been using specialized software carried around in portable media to determine the openness of internet at a specific location. The project aims to create a next-generation tool, addressing existing usability concerns while introducing new functionalities.
- Proposal for MediaCloud and WebCrawl I am a master student in National University of Singapore in computer sciences. I have experiences in many computing projects before in both studying and research. I am interested in working with Berkman Center in developing software for its MediaCloud and WebCrawl projects. For the MediaCloud, I intend to work on Multi-language support for MediaCloud, extract body text and allow rich queries.
- PRX-Android Public Radio Exchange is a one-of-its kind social network and community of listeners, producers, and stations embracing a consolidated place distribution, review, and licensing of public radio programming. The Public Radio Tuner Android App Project is a collaborative effort led by the Public Radio Exchange (PRX) at the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University, additional stations and producers for Android.
- The Chilling Effects Database Chilling Effects currently has a MySQL database of approximately 30,000 cease and desist notices. The main objective of my project is to create a web-based framework for asking research questions about the data, including Who sends and receives them frequently? What kind of content is targeted most often? What happens to URLs mentioned in the letters? This framework will be written with HTML, CSS, PHP, and Perl.
- Web crawler My proposal is to implement a scalable and multi-threaded web crawler in Java with extension points that enable the development of new components in other programming languages or the reuse of the existing code. The solution proposed addresses the problem without using external libraries and can be deployed in one machine or in a distributed environment.