businessWeb Page: http://docs.turbogears.org/GSoC/Ideas2009
Mailing List: turbogears@googlegroups.com
TurboGears is a next generation web framework written in python. It brings together a large number of python libraries to create a coherent and flexible framework for web development. It is our goal for the vast majority of our work to be reusable by others, even outside the framework -- so much of our effort goes back into external libraries.
- Mercurial@TurboGears The project will implement a web viewer for mercurial repositories, an admistration panel for users and rights and social capabilities(wikis, issue tracking etc)
- TurboGears Buildbot and Buildbot Web Interface Currently, TurboGears does not have a functional Buildbot. For this project, I will implement a Buildbot for TurboGears 2.0 and TurboGears 2.1. Also, I will create a web interface that makes managing the Buildbot easy. Users will be able to submit slaves and builders for the Buildbot to use and Admins will be able to accept builders and assign slaves to builders.
- TurboGears2 Geospatial Framework The tgext.geo project was started as a part of SoC 2008. It provides basic GIS functionality to TurboGears2. It is proposed to enhance tgext.geo into a TG2 Geospatial Web Framework. This would involve developing an SQLAlchemy GIS Extension to support various spatial database features. In addition FeatureServer, a popular python GIS server will be integrated with TG2 to provide a much richer set of GIS functionality.