businessWeb Page: http://mifos.org/developers/wiki/SoC2009Ideas
Mailing List: http://mifos.org/developers/listserv
Mifos is an initiative of Grameen Foundation's Technology Center to build an open source technology platform for the microfinance industry. At its core is a world class management information system developed and distributed by a global community of technology professionals and microfinance practitioners. Mifos provides the cost-
effective access to flexible & scalable technology that will help transform technology from a barrier into an accelerator for microfinance.
- Acceptance Tests To ensure that every build of the Mifos project remains free from regressions I propose to implement a new set of Build Validation Tests (BVTs). I will also model key features of every page in its page object (see http://code.google.com/p/webdriver/wiki/PageObjects for more information about page objects) to enable more in-depth testing and make further test-writing easier.
- Improve unit test suite Improvement of unit tests suits which will reduce the test execution time resulting in increase of developers productivity and reducing chances of introducing bug.