GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2014 Sahana Software Foundation

Give A Presentation On Sahana Eden To A Group

completed by: Vipul Sharma

mentors: Michael Howden

Give a presentation about Sahana Eden Open Source Disaster Management Software to a group of people.
Prepare your presentation (notes/PowerPoint/demo).
Share this with the sahana-eden mailing list so they can offer suggestions and corrections. We'll ask you to record your talk on video -- if this isn't possible please discuss on the list what to do instead.
Deliver your presentation. Please record this on video (or verify that the presentation was given by the means you discussed above).
Report back to the sahana-eden mailing list:
Who attended?
What were they most interested in?
What questions did they ask?
How would you improve your presentation next time?