GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2014 Sahana Software Foundation

Test Developers Installation Documentation For Mac

completed by: David Greydanus

mentors: Milindu Sanoj Kuarage, Raveen Perera

Follow the documentation on to install a developer's instance of Sahana Eden on your Mac OS. Once you have completed send an email to the list stating:
Summary of the exact steps you tool
Screenshots of Sahana Eden installed on your OS
How long it took you?
What was the most difficult part?
3 improvements you would like to make - these need to be as specific as possible - does content need to be added? Clarified? Simplified? Is there a need for pictures (of what?)?. Ideally you will edit the documentation on the Wiki to make these improvements yourself.
Any other questions you may have about Sahana Eden.