GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2014 Mifos Initiative

Convert PDF version of Amazon EC2 Mifos X Installation Guide to Wiki page on our Confluence Wiki.

completed by: Muciojad

mentors: Edward Cable

We have recently updated our installation guide for installing Mifos X in the Amazon EC2 cloud via a public AMI. Sangamesh recently created this guide as a PDF that he shared with the community via the mailing lists at: For easier searching, viewing, and editing online, we want to make it available as a section in our documentation wiki. You can do it at this wiki page: Sign up for a MifosForge account if you don't 't already have one and then begin editing that page and copying and pasting the text and screenshots from the existing guide. Make sure formatting is all consistent. You can access the native word file of the PDF at: