GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2014 KDE

Marble: Adjust the Licensing/Credits for the About Dialog

completed by: bunu

mentors: Dennis Nienhüser, shentey, Sanjiban Bairagya, Torsten Rahn

This task is a "first step" task for a student who has just begun Marble development and only successfully completed the compilation of Marble so far. This task serves as a very first introduction into Marble development.

- Add the Natural Earth Project ( ) to Marble's About dialog for the credits for data. We are using the Vector data of the Natural Earth Data. Please research what the requested attribution should look like.

- Also the License of the OpenStreetMap project has changed. Please change the OSM entry in our About Dialog accordingly.

- Find 3 contributors in our git log file which don't appear in the About Dialog yet and add them in an appropriate place.