GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2014 KDE

Marble: Find five different crashes in Marble

completed by: Sergey Popov

mentors: Dennis Nienhüser, Abhinav Gangwar, Sanjiban Bairagya, shentey, Torsten Rahn

Using gdb and debug packages installed please perform an extensive Marble test.

We are looking for crashes that have not been reported yet.

Please do common operations in Marble and check whether you manage to crash it.


- Current Marble master branch must be used.

- All crashes must include a full backtrace that includes references to the line numbers in the source code where the crash occured.

- A short description how the crash occurred and whether it's reproducable.

- Crash reports that are reported to are not allowed.

- All bugs must be entered into with the full backtrace and description and the bug report numbers need to be added as a result to this task. The reporting date and time must be later than the point of time where the task got assigned.