Marble: Integrate SoundCues with the TourWidget
completed by: Mikhail Ivchenko
mentors: Dennis Nienhüser, shentey, Sanjiban Bairagya, Torsten Rahn
In prior tasks the WaitItem and FlyByItem have been integrated with the Tour UI in Marble. This task is about adding the SoundCue item:
- Add a button on the right to the wait item that displays the same icon for the Sound Cue which is used in the Moon Tour.
- Ensure that pressing the button creates a SoundCue that is properly saved once the user presses the "Save Tour" button and is properly loaded once he loads a Tour that includes a Sound Cue.
- Ensure that before playing the Sound Cue everything necessary is done to check for availability of Sound playback and to avoid crashes (So try to fix possible existing crashes during playing).