Marble: Add a node tab to the EditPolygonDialog and EditPolylineDialog
completed by: Mikhail Ivchenko
mentors: Abhinav Gangwar, Dennis Nienhüser, Torsten Rahn, Sanjiban Bairagya, shentey
This is a medium to advanced task.
Check the files
These have a Node tab added compared to Marble master.
The listview is supposed to be populated with a header that has 4 columns:
- node number (started from 0 and increasing in order)
- Longitude (in the DEC/DMS notation presented that the user had selected via settings)
- Latitude (dito)
- Elevation
The listView is supposed to be readonly.
The ListView should display the nodes that are created via the "Edit Map" panel.
If it's a good idea to share parts of the implementation for the polygon and polyline case then this should be done.