GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2014 KDE

Marble: Extend Tour for Marble and OpenStreetMap

completed by: Daniel Pastushchak

mentors: Dennis Nienhüser, shentey, Sanjiban Bairagya, Torsten Rahn

In a previous task a tour for Marble and OSM has been created which nicely displays the capabilities of the Tour Panel and of the OpenStreetMap project:

Please watch this tour by enabling the Tour Panel in Settings->Panel->Tour, load it, press the play button and enjoy.

Please extend this nice tour by adding at least 10 places in the OSM map theme. This could be places similar to the ones chosen for the tour so far including:

- Stonehenge: 51°10′43.84″N 1°49′34.28″W

- Big volcanoes / craters that are easy to spot in OSM (e.g. Etna or Vesuvio  14° 25' 35,6"E,  40° 49' 17,9"N or an even "better" one)

- UNESCO World Heritage places

- Tourist Attractions (e.g. Disney Land), Alcatraz

Again the extension of the tour should be added to the existing tour. It should extend the tour in the same style. If you have questions about the creation of the tour please also ask Mikhail Ivchenko.

The result is the bestofosm2.kml which should be attached to this task.