Bug Triaging: advanced
completed by: Mikhail Ivchenko
mentors: mamarok
Description: Bug handling is an important part of the Quality Assurance in software development. Triaging bugs means that a reported bug needs to be checked if all necessary information is available so it can be given to the developers to look at it.
- having read and understood the Bug Triaging Guide by Dario Andrès, but it is also very useful to be a user of the program one is triaging the bugs for.
- being comfortable to perform complex searches in the bugs database
- needs an account on http://bugs.kde.org
Work requested: Triage 15 bugs in the list of incoming bugs for the last 3 days, or triage 15 unconfirmed bugs in a specific project. To proceed, please ask Mamarok on irc.freenode.net in the #kde-bugs channel (please do NOT use a query) as additional information needs to be given.