Add BFS file attributes support to libarchive ZIP format implementation.
completed by: Markus Himmel (TwoFx)
mentors: mmu_man, Kacper Kasper, Adrien Destugues - PulkoMandy, Jerome Duval
The goal of this task is adding compatible support of Haiku files system (BFS) file attributes to libarchive. At the moment only stock version of zip/unzip can preserve BFS attributes during compressing and extracting.
- Install Haiku either on real hardware or in Virtual Machine (BTW, I can assist installing VirtualBox so it is obviously recommended by me);
- Clone libarchive 3.0.3 GIT repository at Use the master branch for your work;
- Investigate in any way BFS attributes support in Haiku zip/unzip command line tools;
- Add support of BFS attributes into corresponding libarchive modules. JFYI, for notes about libarchive architecture you can take look on the draft implementation BFS attributes in the BFS.attributes branch.;
- After completing this task, please provide me with git-formatted patch of your changes with small test program.
Haiku Images (required developer tools are included)
Haiku zip implementation:
Haiku unzip implementation:
Libarchive sources (one of many) cross-referesne:
Good luck!