GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2014 Haiku

Create generic .recipe for a library

completed by: waddlesplash

mentors: Scott McCreary, Kacper Kasper

Create a generic .recipe for a library

The home for this recipe will be in the haikuporter/generic directory

There are generic recipes for haiku-app and fonts, this task is to add on for a library.  Review the recipe file formats for some other libraries such as media-lib/libpng for examples of what should be in a library recipe. The generic recipes are useful as a starting point to make new recipes for similar types of ports.

 This task requires a generic .recipe file to be submitted as proof of completion

Just a note about submitting your work for this one, we are asking students to create a pull request at HaikuPorts with your recipe files. This speeds up the reviewing process and makes it easier for us to commit your final version.