GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2014 FOSSASIA

create a desktop application to read text using smalltalk

completed by: Yid-hang Zinc

mentors: eMBee

this is an opportunity to learn a completely new environment. smalltalk is the father of object-oriented languages, and learning it will give you a greater understanding about programming.

squeak and pharo have a built in development environment that makes programming a new and interesting experience.

for this task you just need to create a basic viewer that allows the user to browse a selection of text stored within the application

this application should be implemented in smalltalk using either squeak or pharo.

your code should be released under the GNU General Public License v3 or later.

resources to get started:

During the process of working on this task and/or when you finish it, please tweet about it on Twitter, Weibo or any other service mentioning @fossasia, @beijinglug and using the hashtag #FOSSASIA and #beijinglug. Also don't forget to follow FOSSASIA on

Also please provide links and info about the task on a blog or website, if possible.

Please post your work on the FOSSASIA Facebook, Google+ or any other social network.

Thank you!