testing the community-calendar REST API
completed by: Namanyay
mentors: eMBee
the community-calendar project gets events from a REST API.
this API needs to be tested, so that we can verify that things still work if the API is changed.
your task is to pick a testing framework and write tests that verify the APIs behavior.
(this task should be done after the API is documented by another task. you can then focus on testing the documented API parts)
a suitable testing framework is probably http://frisbyjs.com/ because community-calendar is already developed with node.js, so this can just be added to the toolset.
other frameworks are discussed here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12135309/automated-testing-for-rest-api other helpful tools to test manually are discussed here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13965959/what-tools-can-i-use-to-test-restful-api
you can find code examples in theĀ community calendar code and in the techgrind code
you can also explore the techgrind site
you do not need to test the whole API, but you should focus on login, getting, submitting and updating events, and documents.
the tests should be released under the GPLv2 or later, so that they can be included with the original code.
if you have questions you can reach me on irc on the freenode network in channel #fossasia
During the process of working on this task and/or when you finish it, please tweet about it on Twitter, Weibo or any other service mentioning @fossasia, @beijinglug and using the hashtag #FOSSASIA and #beijinglug. Also don't forget to follow FOSSASIA on http://twitter.com/fossasia
Also please provide links and info about the task on a blog or website, if possible.
Please post your work on the FOSSASIA Facebook, Google+ or any other social network.
Thank you!