GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2014 FOSSASIA

Create and register an API file for a community from Nepal to the FOSSASIA Community Network through

completed by: Amr

mentors: Andreas Bräu, Hong Phuc

Add a local project, community or any other Open Source community in Nepal or any other location in Asia to the FOSSASIA network map on by filling in and adding our sample file to the github repository. Please also add info about the website, blog, twitter, Google+ and Facebook.


The project makes it easy to find communities and projects on a map with links to the websites, social media channels, and automatically updated info from community blogs. The use of the FOSSASIA-API enables us to collect the data of communities in a decentralized way. This is important to us, as it keeps communities in control. They do not depend on our infrastructure and could potentially setup their own service.

Step by Step

1. Go to and fill in the information about your community in the form and press "OK - generate...". The more information you enter, the better.

2. Your results are displayed on the top right hand side (scroll up after you finished 1). If information is missing or fields are incorrectly filled, you will see it marked under the text box. Fill in or correct the information and generate the API file again.

3. Press the download button and save the file on your PC.

4. Now make a pull request to

Alternatively you can upload it to your own web space, to your blog, CMS or to your own github service. It is important that the file can be accessed publicly on the Internet.

5. Please copy the link to your web hosted “raw file” on github - the URL.

6. Add the link (URL) of your “raw file” to the FOSSASIA API directory here:
a) If you are comfortable with Git, create a pull request.
b) If you are new to Git and not sure how to do it, please just tweet the link to your API file to, e.g. a tweet that looks like that “@fossasia Uploaded API-file to add #Beijinglug community to #FOSSASIA network here” It is important that you include “@fossasia” in your tweet to make sure we get your message.

7. You community will be included in the FOSSASIA network as soon as a team member has reviewed it (usually within 1-2 days).

Update a File

If you want to update your information, please download or edit your API file. You can do so after the entering the API directory, in the drop-down menu on the top right. Then repeat step 1 to 7. So, the new file needs to be saved or downloaded again. And, then do not forget to upload the new raw file to the Web server, blog or git service again.

Links Blog Post

Github Repository: 

Github Api Directory Files:
