GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2014 FOSSASIA

create a small website using seaside (task W1S3)

completed by: Hossain Al Ikram

mentors: eMBee

seaside is a framework to develop websites in smalltalk.

download seaside from here:

your task is to build a website similar to the one in this tutorial in chapter 9:

try to be creative and instead of the soccer example use something else, maybe make the website about fossasia students and mentors.

write a weblog post about your experience and upload the resulting work.

(to upload your work: in pharo "select save as...", then save as "FOSSASIA" and upload the files FOSSASIA.image and FOSSASIA.changes)

your code from this task and your weblog post should be published under the following licenses: CC-BY-SA, GNU FDL, GNU GPL v2 or later.

if you complete this task, there will be a followup task available to continue the tutorial and add some additional features.

resources to get started:

During the process of working on this task and/or when you finish it, please tweet about it on Twitter, Weibo or any other service mentioning @fossasia, @beijinglug and using the hashtag #FOSSASIA and #beijinglug. Also don't forget to follow FOSSASIA on

Also please provide links and info about the task on a blog or website, if possible.

Please post your work on the FOSSASIA Facebook, Google+ or any other social network.

Thank you!