GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2014 FOSSASIA

Add a project or community to the FOSSASIA map

completed by: Dianne

mentors: Andreas Bräu

Add a local project, community or any other Open Source community in Asia to the map on by filling in and adding our sample file to the github repository. Please also add info about the website, blog, twitter, Google+ and Facebook.

Step by Step

Step by Step from API Generator to the your community on the map:

1. Go to and fill in the information about your community in the form and press "OK - generate...". Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk.

2. Your results are displayed on the top right hand side (scroll up after you finished). Fill in or correct the information and generate the API file again.

3. Press the download button and save the file on your PC.

4. Now make a pull request to upload the file to the github repository at

Links Blog Post

Github Repository: 
