GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2014 BRL-CAD

Test New BRL-CAD Virtual Machine image

completed by: Marc Tannous

mentors: Popescu Andrei, Ishwerdas

BRL-CAD has a newly revised (and renamed) turn-key Virtual Machine (VM for the purpose of providing an immediate, read-only access to the project and its development. The VM has not been tested by other than its author and needs to be taken for a test drive by others. The user will need to be able to work in a command-line environment and be willing to log in detail his or her experiences with the VM.

Download and install the new BRL-CAD VM. Test it for its intended purpose, keep detailed notes of actions taken, any bugs or problems encountered (be sure they are problems with the disk image and not problems with your comprehension), proposed changes, and suggested improvements. In particular: determine the adequacy of the documentation, test building (compiling) the source code, and updating the trunk with subversion.



Submit a one-page report itemizing your notes, bugs/problems, proposed changes, and suggestions for improvements. Try to identify at least three for each of those.