Write CoreInterface unit test #3
completed by: Marc Tannous
mentors: Sean, Ishwerdas
The C++ Object-oriented API, called CoreInterface aims to provide an easier-to-use, object-oriented interface over the already very powerful set of BRL-CAD tools some of the primitives(classes representing objects have already been written)
You can check out the core interface code from our subversion repository: svn checkout https://svn.code.sf.net/p/brlcad/code/rt^3/trunk rt^3
Your task is to write a unit test for the cone primitive. It should be put in /rt^3/tests/
- rt^3/src/coreInterface/Cone.cpp
- rt^3/include/brlcad/Cone.h
Please upload your work in a svn patch(diff) format: svn diff rt^3 > my_changes.patch
References:- rt^3/tests/halfspace.cpp
- rt^3/tests/primitives.cpp
- rt^3/tests/PrintTitle.cpp
- rt^3/tests/cone.cpp <-- you create this
- rt^3/tests/CMakeLists.txt <-- add your new file in here