Write a general Apertium Stream Format parser in Python.
completed by: Sushain Cherivirala
mentors: Kevin Brubeck Unhammer, Jonathan
A lot of our scripts need to read the Apertium Stream Format and e.g. extract all lemmas or forms of all nouns and similar things. Write a general Python module that we can import, which defines generators that return LexicalUnits, so we can write <code><nowiki><a href="(lu.lemma,">lu.readings[0:) for lu in asfparse.parse_file(sys.stdin)]</nowiki><> . Something like this is already implemented in the concordancer, so this task may just consist of abstracting away that code into a library usable as described here.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.