Score extension constructs an FSBackend in a deprecated fashion
completed by: Theo Patt
mentors: Quim Gil
The MediaWiki extension Score has the following problem:
Deprecated: Use of FileBackend::__construct called without "wikiID". was deprecated in MediaWiki 1.23. [Called from FileBackendStore::__construct in /var/www/w/git/includes/filebackend/FileBackendStore.php at line 68] in /var/www/w/git/includes/debug/Debug.php on line 301 Deprecated: Use of FileBackend::__construct called with non-object "lockManager". was deprecated in MediaWiki 1.23. [Called from FileBackendStore::__construct in /var/www/w/git/includes/filebackend/FileBackendStore.php at line 68] in /var/www/w/git/includes/debug/Debug.php on line 301 ----- Needs to modify Score::getBackend(), so that the default config doesn't create a new FSFileBackend object without specifying wikiID and a lockManager. The appropriate values are probably just wfWikiId() and new NullLockManager( array() ) respectively.
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Bug 58610 - Score constructs an FSBackend in a deprecated fashion
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Students are required to read Wikimedia's general instructions first. Patches should be submitted to Gerrit and reference the bug report in the commit message. Improvements to an initial patch must be submitted as an amendment to the initial patch, not as new patches.