GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2013 KDE

Make the most recent Python API reference available on the KDE servers

completed by: Benjamin Kaiser

mentors: Torsten Rahn, Andrei Dorian Duma, Utku Aydın, Dennis Nienhüser

The goal of this task is to make the current Python API available via

This requires communication skills and the ability to do research as well as admin skills.

  • Find out what it takes to provide the current version of the Python API reference on
  • In order to do this you might need to contact the kde-sysadmin team (e.g. via IRC or E-Mail)
  • Apply for the necessary access rights
  • Create a version of the most recent Python API reference
  • Upload or update the Python API reference 

The task is successfully completed once the Python API reference is provided in the most recent version on the server.