Playback of SoundCue elements in KML Tours
completed by: Mikhail Ivchenko
mentors: Torsten Rahn, Dennis Nienhüser
Marble is a virtual globe and world atlas — your Swiss army knife for maps. Find your way and explore the world!
Please note: You can only work on this task when the tour playback task is completed.
We are working on integrating support for KML Tours into Marble. The user interface will be a panel (like Routing, Map View, ...) where a tour can be loaded from a .kml file, edited, played and also recorded to a movie file. This task is about implementing support for playback of SoundCue tour primitives.
- Read and make sure you understand how the playback is supposed to work
- Playback of sound files should be done using Phonon. See src/plugins/render/routing/ for an example how it can be integrated
- Use Phonon to playback SoundCue elements during tour playback. Keep in mind that more than one SoundCue can be played at the same time
- Note that KML Tours can specify remote URLs as SoundCue playback sources. Phonon should take care of that by itself. If not, implement support for playback of local files only.
Helpful links:
- The easiest way to reach Marble developers to help you is to visit the #marble IRC channel in freenode. Watch out for Earthwings