GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2013 KDE

Create an internationalized OpenStreetMap theme for Marble

completed by: Edwin Veber

mentors: Torsten Rahn, Dennis Nienhüser, René Küttner

Marble is a virtual globe and world atlas — your Swiss army knife for maps. Find your way and explore the world!

The default OpenStreetMap view shows names of places in the local language. Many places know about other languages as well. The Map internationalization project of OpenStreetMap provides internationalized maps. This task is about adding support for these maps to Marble in a new map theme.

  • Download the ready-to-use openstreetmap-i18n maptheme from
  • Extract the file in the ~/.local/share/marble/ folder. You'll end up with a folder ~/.local/share/marble/maps/earth/openstreetmap-i18n with several files inside
  • Run Marble, select the OpenStreetMap (english) theme. Open the legend and verify that the various language layers work
  • Change the openstreetmap-i18n.dgml file to use radio buttons for languages instead of checkboxes. See
  • Compare openstreetmap-i18n.dgml to Marble's openstreetmap.dgml and copy missing things over to openstreetmap-i18n.dgml: The license tag and the legend items
  • Upload the new openstreetmap-i18n.dgml as the result of the task

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