GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2013 KDE

Handbook update for Phonon

completed by: ☃ snowman

mentors: Myriam Schweingruber

Every application that is targeted at the end user needs a handbook. Unfortunately some handbooks are a bit outdated and don't reflect the current state of the application. In particular the Phonon handbook is behind the current state and is of not much use anymore since this has changed quite a lot.

Phonon is the multimedia framework used by KDE and its applications. The current handbook is on and reflects the state of a previous version, it should be updated to the state of current KDE 4.11.x

What needs to be documented is how to change the settings. More details will be give to the student on request.

Requirements: have a recent KDE SC 4.11.x installation, basic mediawiki knowledge, good English skills

Contact: write me a mail and get in touch in #kde-multimedia on, my nick is Mamarok