
Mailing List: http://www.haiku-os.org/community/ml
Haiku is an open-source operating system that specifically targets personal computing. Inspired by the BeOS, Haiku is fast, simple to use, easy to learn and yet very powerful.
Note for Google Code-In Students, if you plan on claiming a Haiku task, please put in your claim BEFORE starting to work on it, and don't be afraid to ask questions about a task before starting to work on it.
Completed Tasks
- ***BONUS*** Get Boost to build as completely as possible on Haiku Part 2 ***BONUS***
- [Bonus] Fix BeAE's recipe file to allow it to be built by Haikuporter again
- [Bonus][Hard] Update .recipe for ODE/libode so that it correctly builds on Haiku again
- [DriveSetup] Fix issue with false alarm on partition mounting
- [Easy] Outsource the Caya buildsystem
- [ÜberBonus][Hard] Make a recipe file for Haiku to build Sequitur
- Add a keyboard shortcut to move to Tracker's location bar without a mouse
- Add feature to BeScreenCapture that allows for hiding BeScreenCapture from the deskbar
- Add RTF output to RTF Translator. Fix #8873
- Add support for recursing subdirectories to DOS2UNIX (and UNIX2DOS)
- Build optipng by creating a recipe file for Haikuporter
- Change the old Mail toolbar bitmap buttons to HVIF icons
- Check 10 .recipe files to see if they build properly on haiku x86_64 nightly, open issues for any that are broken
- Check 10 .recipe files to see if they build properly on haiku x86_64 nightly, open issues for any that are broken
- Check BePDF's Wikipedia page for errors, spelling mistakes and if it's information is up to date
- Check BootManager's Wikipedia page for errors, spelling mistakes and if it's information is up to date
- Check Pe's Wikipedia page for errors, spelling mistakes and if it's information is up to date
- Check the Bochs guide for errors, spelling mistakes and if it is up to date
- Check the Connecting to wireless networks guide for errors, spelling mistakes and if it is up to date
- Check the KVM guide for errors, spelling mistakes and if it is up to date (Linux)
- Check the Main Virtualizing Haiku page for errors, spelling mistakes and if it is up to date
- Check the Parallels Desktop guide for errors, spelling mistakes and if it is up to date (Mac)
- Check the Parallels Workstation guide for errors, spelling mistakes and if it is up to date (Windows)
- Check the VirtualBox guide for errors, spelling mistakes and if it is up to date
- Check the VirtualBox Serial Debugging guide for errors, spelling mistakes and if it is up to date (Linux)
- Check the VirtualBox Serial Debugging guide for errors, spelling mistakes and if it is up to date (Windows)
- Check the VMware Player guide for errors, spelling mistakes and if it is up to date (Windows)
- Check Tracker's Wikipedia page for errors, spelling mistakes and if it's information is up to date
- Check WebPositive's Wikipedia page for errors, spelling mistakes and if it's information is up to date
- Code a blog editor app that can connect to webblog APIs - Part 3 - GUI and Locale Kit support
- Code a blog editor app that can connect to webblog APIs - Part Five
- Code a blog editor app that can connect to webblog APIs - Part Four
- Code a blog editor app that can connect to webblog APIs - Part One -
- Code a blog editor app that can connect to webblog APIs - Part Seven
- Code a blog editor app that can connect to webblog APIs - Part Six
- Code a blog editor app that can connect to webblog APIs - Part Two -
- Code a delay of the password lock for a few seconds
- Code a TODO list app for Haiku - Part One -
- Code an on-screen keyboard for Haiku - Part 1 - Reuse Keymap code
- Convert ImageMounter to use a makefile instead of a project and .rdef instead of .rsrc
- Create a 3d HVIF icon for Spider Solitare
- Create a basic rounded knob BControl (widget)
- Create a Facebook banner for Haiku
- Create a Google Plus banner for Haiku
- Create a missing 2d toolbar HVIF icon for Haiku
- Create a missing 3d HVIF icon for Haiku
- Create a new promotional flyer for Haiku
- Create a preliminary password screen for Haiku
- Create a promo video for Haiku
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build Copy-name-to-clipboard
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build A-Book
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build BackUp
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build BAfx
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build BDH Calc
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build BeCasso - Part One
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build BeCheckers
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build BeIndexed
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build BeLife
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build BeRDP
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build BeScreenCapture
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build BinaryClock
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build Capital Be
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build Cherry Blossom
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build ClipUp
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build CmakeHaiku
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build CommandNotFound
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build ConvertToLF
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build DockBert
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build DOSBox
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build FileCropper
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build Filer
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build FilWip
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build Finance
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build FolderShaper
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build FontBoy
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build Fortuna
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build Free Heroes of Might and Magic II ***BONUS***
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build FreeBird
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build FtpPositive
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build Gnash - Might be harder than other
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build GuitarMaster
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build Haiku game BeVexed
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build Hugen
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build JamMin
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build Konfetti
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build launchpad
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build Lava
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build libidn
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build libiptcdata
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build LightsOff!
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build MasterPiece
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build Melt
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build Microbe
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build MinimizeAll
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build Mr. Peeps!
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build Muscle ***BONUS***
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build Mynti
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build NetPulse
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build NightAndDay
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build Organizer
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build orphilia-dropbox
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build Paragraph
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build PhantomLimb
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build PonpokoDiff
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build PPViewer
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build QueryWatcher
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build Ragel State Machine ***BONUS***
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build Randomizer
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build RDesktop
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build Recibe
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build RemoteControl
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build Replicat
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build Resourcer
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build Run
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build SDL game Gemz
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build Seeker
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build Shredder
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build Snapshot
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build Spiff
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build SystemInfo
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build TakeNotes
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build the Android font Roboto
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build the BeOS library SantasGiftBag (libsanta)
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build the game Dragon Memory
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build the game Pipepanic
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build the game Rezerwar
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build the Haiku game BeSol
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build Tolmach
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build tor
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build Torrentor
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build TrackerGrep
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build WaveView
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build Weather
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build Whisper
- Create a recipe for lato-fonts, it should put OTF and TTF in different packages
- Create a SpinControl widget
- Create a SpinControl widget part #2
- Create a Youtube banner for Haiku
- Create all the 2d and 3d hvif icons needed for APlayer
- Create Haiku style Weather graphics for Weather program
- Create recipe files for 3 fonts sets listed on Gentoo-Portage media-fonts/ that don't yet have a an entry on Haikuports
- Create recipe files for 3 fonts sets listed on Gentoo-Portage media-fonts/ that don't yet have a an entry on Haikuports
- Design UI mockups for the Terminal profiles support.
- Document a class in the API documentation
- DriveSetup: Make DriveSetup window zoomable. Fix #6265 and #8672.
- DriveSetup: Popup menu for partition entries. Fix #9906.
- Expand the DESCRIPTION of 10 .recipe files if their current one is less than 2 sentences
- Expand the DESCRIPTION of 5 .recipe files if their current one is less than 2 sentences
- Expand the DESCRIPTION of 5 .recipe files if their current one is less than 2 sentences
- Finish coding of HexVexed game for Haiku - challenge
- Finish coding the native GUI of Cmake for Haiku
- Finish writing the guide on how to run Haiku in QEMU (Windows or Linux)
- Fix Puri's recipe file to allow it to be built by Haikuporter again
- Fix "Devices" app so that you can copy text that is displayed. #8880
- Fix #10156: Implement -o option to customize the 'ps' program output.
- Fix 2 broken .recipe files for Haikuporter
- Fix 3 issues in Haiku that were detected by Coverity (5289390804828160)
- Fix 3 issues in Haiku that were detected by Coverity (5785682865815552)
- Fix 3 issues in Haiku that were detected by Coverity (5827490144583680)
- Fix a bug in ArtPaint
- Fix a Bug in Beezer
- Fix a Bug in Beezer (5820652556648448)
- Fix a bug in Haiku's issue database
- Fix a bug in Hare
- Fix a bug in Pe
- Fix a bug in Sawteeth
- Fix a bug or add a feature in Vision (IRC client)
- Fix Album's recipe file to allow it to be built by Haikuporter again
- Fix an issue in Haiku that was detected by Coverity
- Fix an issue in Haiku that was detected by Coverity
- Fix an issue in Haiku that was detected by Coverity
- Fix an issue in Haiku that was detected by Coverity
- Fix an issue in Haiku that was detected by Coverity (5269427863945216)
- Fix an issue in Haiku that was detected by Coverity (5853156869144576)
- Fix ArmyKnife so that it works on Haiku again ***BONUS***
- Fix BeGet's recipe file to allow it to be built by Haikuporter again
- Fix BurnItNow so that it builds with gcc2
- Fix DESCRIPTION entries for Haikuports recipes that are over 70 characters long. ***BONUS***
- Fix Paladin recipe so that PalEdit works again ***BONUS***
- Fix ThemeManagert's recipe file to allow it to be built by Haikuporter again
- Fix ticket #5812: [FileTypes] alt+s doesn't work in "application type" window
- Fix ticket #6901: [Pulse] selecting deskbar mode closes it's settings window if it's open
- Fix ticket #7468: [Volume control] mute/unmute on middle click on replicant in deskbar
- Fix ticket #7985: [DiskUsage] change background color from white to b_panel
- Fix ticket #7987: [Screenshot] add Alt+H/Alt+D shortcuts
- Fix ticket #8548: [DriveSetup] add force unmount like in mount_server
- Fix ticket #8820: [Tracker] ignore accidentally selected Trash while deleting files from Desktop
- Fix ticket #9982: [Installer] doesn't quit correctly on alt+w at EULA window
- Improve "top" utility screen redraw. Fix #9509
- listusb : implement human-readable dump for Audio Streaming Interface descriptors (USB Audio 1.0)
- listusb : implement human-readable dump for AudioControl Interface descriptors (USB Audio 1.0)
- listusb : implement human-readable dump for HID device descriptors/reports
- Make a recipe file for Haiku to build aiksaurus ***BONUS***
- Make a recipe file for Haiku to build freedroid-rpg
- Make a recipe file for Haiku to build gloox
- Make a recipe file for Haiku to build GRI
- Make a recipe file for Haiku to build HaikuChat
- Make a recipe file for Haiku to build HedgeWars
- Make a recipe file for Haiku to build ilmlbase
- Make a recipe file for Haiku to build LuaRocks
- Make a recipe file for Haiku to build Neverball
- Make a recipe file for Haiku to build openexr - needs ilmbase first
- Make a recipe file for Haiku to build tinyxml2
- Make a recipe file for Haiku to build VisualBoyAdvance
- Make a recipe for latest SVN version of APlayer
- Move ResourceEdit to HaikuArchives and create a recipe for it ***BONUS***
- Patch BeCasso so that it doesn't require a keyfile anymore to work - Part 2
- Pe - Add support for inline input so that alternate input methods work as expected
- Pe - Add syntax highlighting for .recipe files **BONUS**
- Pe - Fix keyboard shortcuts to match keymap, not physical keys
- Report on creating haikuporter recipes
- Research and check dependencies for Blender on Haiku
- Research and check dependencies for OpenShot on Haiku
- StyledEdit: Fix ticket #10032 "Save As..." window does not open under certain circustances"
- StyledEdit: Fix ticket #10053 "the find panel is modal, and doesn't allow to interact with the document."
- StyledEdit: Fix ticket #9999 "Add icons to Open... menu."
- StyledEdit: Support "Export" feature utilizing text translators. Fix #9394
- Test Aplayer for Bugs and Issues
- Test ArmyKnife for Bugs and Issues
- Test ArtPaint for Bugs and Issues
- Test Beam for Bugs and Issues
- Test BePDF for Bugs and Issues
- Test Pe for Bugs and Issues
- Update .recipe for Beezer so that it correctly builds the latest version
- Update .recipe for clockwerk so that it correctly builds on Haiku again ***BONUS***
- Update .recipe for FreePascalCompiler so that it correctly builds on Haiku again ***BONUS***
- Update .recipe for Leptonica so that it correctly builds on Haiku
- Update .recipe for Rebol so that it correctly builds on Haiku again ***BONUS***
- Update .recipe for transmission so that it correctly builds on Haiku again *** BONUS***
- Update .recipe for wget so that it correctly builds the latest version (1.14)
- Update 3 .recipe files that Haikuporter is reporting as broken
- Update 3 .recipe files that Haikuporter is reporting as broken
- Update 3 .recipe files that Haikuporter is reporting as broken
- Update a recipe file for Haikuporter to build ScummVm
- Update APlayer to use .rdef files instead of .rsrc file
- Update the recipe file for Haikuporter to build Boost
- Update the recipe file for Haikuporter to build BurnItNow
- Update the recipe file for Haikuporter to build Paladin
- Write a guide on how to run Haiku in the AMD SimNow virtual machine
- Write a Haiku native Spider Solitaire clone. Part 2 *** BONUS ***
- Write a page for wikipedia on Haiku-depot that meets encyclopedic standards
- Write a spider solitaire clone using the Haiku (Be) API
- Write a wiki page for Haikuports explaining how to do Pull Requests
- Write an aalib translator for Haiku
- Write an optipng translator for Haiku