GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2013 Drupal

Test Bartik on Multiple Devices in Multiple Browsers

completed by: Heidi Dong

mentors: Doug Vann

Description: Test the default Drupal 8 theme named Bartik on multiple devices in multiple browsers.

Deliverables: Obviously the basic desktop browsers have passed the standard cross browser test. Test the theme on various page in at least 3 devices and at least 3 browsers on each device (mobile/tablet/whatever). Contribute your feedback directly to the appropriate Bartik nodes on with as many details/screenshots/feedback as possible. Note, positive feedback is good yoo (we might be pleased to hear everything works perfectly on old versions of Nokia phones). You will need to have a basic Drupal 8 install running to start this task. If you need help setting up a site, please contact mentor as this can be setup in a matter of minutes for you.