GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2013 BRL-CAD

Design a banner ad for BRL-CAD

completed by: Martín Hermida

mentors: Sean

BRL-CAD is one of the oldest open source communities. This community has a good following, so we want to give a chance to everyone so that they can show their support to the community by adding a banner ad in their website. You have to create a banner ad that can be embedded in the website by copy pasting some simple lines of code (basically an iframe).

Such a banner ad can also be used in various sections of our own website.

The task requires you to create a CSS3 based animated horizontal and vertical banner add, highlighting some feature of BRL-CAD or making some call to action. This call to action can be joining mailing list, or signing up for community, or link to latest post etc.

For Inspiration and tutorial refer to:
